Ch-13 Runaway Brother

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Matthew was able to trick Lilli and Lovino into thinking that the child was the child of his late mate. He explained that his mate had looked like a female version of King Francis which was slightly odd. Matthew at first had been confused as to why Isabel had told him to tell the others that his mate had been like a female Francis. It all made sense after the child had been born. The child had Francis' eyes and attitude when it came to material. If you put the child in a brown blanket it would start crying but if you put it in a coloured one it would giggle and smile. Everything else about the child was like Matthew; well other then the fact that the child was an alpha. With the help of Tatiana and Lorain Matthew was able to identify what the child was. The older more experienced omegas pointed out how the male had a knotting gland. One thing Matthew was glad for was how many omegas there were. Matthew was able to sleep in sometimes while some of the young omegas learnt how to look after a baby. This time however Matthew was up early.

"Well look at you up early." Isabel says. Matthew took a seat at the dining table. The alpha was also up early and by the looks was drinking some tea.

"Are you going to name the child, or wait for Francis too?" Isabel asks. Matthew shrugs.

"I think I'm going to give the boy a nickname and see what happens from there." Matthew says.

"I'd love to stay and find out the name but I have business to attend to. The cattle needs fresh grass and water; we are going through a drought right now." Isabel says. Matthew nods calmly before sighing.

"Could I join you guys? I can't handle the stress of living with Lilli and lying to her. I also don't want to be here if Alfred visits; he already knows I'm lying to him about the mating mark and I can't risk the baby." Matthew stands up. Isabel looks over at him and downs the rest of her tea before nodding at him.

"Better pack quick; everyone else is saddled up and waiting. You can ride on my horse with me until we reach a new spot." Isabel leaves the house. Matthew quietly hurries up the stairs and packs his things before bundling his child up in a blanket. He put him in a special bag which he could put either on his front or back. He puts it on his front and grabs the hessian bag packed with clothes and blankets before quietly hurrying down to where the drovers were all waiting on horseback. Isabel instead was on the ground and helped Matthew up onto the horse before getting on behind him. Isabel reaches around Matthew to control the horse.

"This is Zara. I recommend you treat her well; she might save your life one day." Isabel tells Matthew about the chestnut horse he now sat on. The group heads off quietly into the early morning and moves the cattle away; leaving barely any traces that they were even there.

"Lovino wake up, everyone's gone!" Lilli shook Lovino awake.

"Everyone's gone?" Lovino asks. Lilli nods her head.

"Yeah I checked everywhere but even the animals are gone. I assume that they left to continue moving the cattle around but Matthew and the baby are gone as well." Lilli says. Lovino jumps up and runs around checking everywhere again.

"I can't believe it's just us three." Lovino held Maria as the three of them sat on the veranda. That was when they noticed two figures on horseback in the distance. At first they thought it was Matthew and someone else but as they got closer the two crowns and blue robes made them realize that it wasn't Matthew. Alfred and Arthur were there instead.

"Arthur just needs some fresh air so I decided to bring him here to play with Maria. I came to check up on Mattie." Alfred smiles. Lilli and Lovino looked at each other nervously.

"What's wrong?" Arthur asks.

"It's only us. Matthew left. We think he ran away with Isabel and her family." Lovino says. Alfred sighs and sits down.

"I suppose you don't know which way they went?" Alfred asks.

"No but he took his baby with him." Lilli says. Arthur glances at Alfred to see his reaction. The alpha had wide eyes and his mouth was agape.

"Mattie has a kid?" Alfred asks.

"Yes didn't he tell you?" Lovino asks with a frown.

"Matthew just wanted to surprise you I'm sure that's why he didn't tell you." Arthur says hurriedly. Alfred sighs and shakes his head.

Matthew sat on a log with two young omegas. Matthew watched the two youngsters cuddle his baby. He smiles slightly when Isabel's hand rests on his shoulder.

"Move along you two; I think Mattie and the baby want some alone time." Isabel says. The male omega hands Matthew back his child and the pair hurries off. Isabel takes a seat next to Matthew.

"Are you sure you don't want to go back?" Isabel asks. Matthew shakes his head.

"I'll return when the war is over and I can go back to Francis." Matthew says.

"Well I recommend you be careful. You're in a group of wild people; I won't always be able to keep the other younger alphas away." Isabel says. Matthew nods.

"If push comes to shove I'll either let you mate me or I'll just leave." Matthew says. Isabel nods and pats Matthew's head.

"Alright. Well I'll let you two get some more rest." Isabel says and gives the baby a gentle stroke on his arm. The boy tries to grab the alpha's finger which causes both Matthew and Isabel to laugh slightly.

"Matthew isn't going to be able to stay loyal to his dear King Francis as long as this war lasts." Tatiana says.

"Yes I agree. When the war is over things will be fine but the longer it goes on for the longer his loyalty will break down." Lorain agrees.

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