Ch-2 Golden Lilies

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Francis watched with sad eyes as his mother's coffin is lowered into the grave. There funeral had been a public affair. Many citizens of Diamonds stood around with Golden Lilies in hand. It was the national flower and his mother's favourite. Once the coffin was situated in the grave people lined up to throw a bunch of dirt onto the coffin. After the cortege was over and everyone had left Francis watched as the coffin was covered by grave diggers. In around a year a headstone would have been made and placed on the grave. A young girl appeared again and Francis watched the little alpha place one Golden Lily on the grave before sprinting off. A smile spread across Francis' face.

"You were always one for the people." Francis says before leaving. He hops into the large golden carriage pulled by two shiny white horses dressed up in gold. Francis looked out the window of the carriage not speaking to any of the footmen. He also quietly entered the castle. Basch stayed away; the Jack decided that it wasn't worth dealing with an emotional King. Francis went into his room and sat on his large soft bed. He's back was facing away from the door as he looked out the window.

"Francis?" Matthew speaks softly as he opens the door and quietly closes it behind him. Francis quickly turns to face the omega.

"Matthew you know it's dangerous to visit me at this hour." Francis says quietly.

"I know, but I couldn't just let you suffer in silence alone." Matthew sits beside Francis. Francis didn't realize he was crying until Matthew started wiping them away. The alpha hugged the omega as he cried. Matthew started crying as well due to hearing his lover's cries. They stopped and froze when there was knocking on the door.

"King Francis are you there? Jack Basch sent me to serve you food." A feminine voice comes from behind the door. Francis quickly points to the bed and Matthew nods as the omega gets on the ground and slides under the bed.

"Yes I am here. Please come in and place it on my table." Francis says. He keeps his back turned to the door as the omega entered and placed a tray on the small table in the corner of the room.

"Is there anything you need to keep you happy?" The girl questions. Francis just sighs and shakes his head; why shag a maid when he could have his perfect little Matthew?

"No, please leave." Francis dismisses the maid. She huffs, curtsies and leaves. Matthew crawls out from under the bed and gives him a smile.

"Thank you for turning down her offer." Matthew says. Francis smiles softly at Matthew.

"Eat what you would like; I know you don't eat well since you are a new servant." Francis gestures to the large array of food on the tray.

"How do you know that?" Matthew asks in shock. He makes his way over to the tray and sits down on one of the seats as he starts eating some grapes.

"I'm the owner of this castle; I know everything that goes on in it. I know they don't feed you properly and I know they haven't given you a bed. They do it with every new servant; it's apparently their way of breaking you in. They'll also be harder on you since you are from Spades and they believe you were raised to be a mongrel." Francis sits in another seat and starts eating as well.

"Well I knew Basch knew what happened down below but I didn't expect you to know." Matthew mumbles.

"Tell me, has one of my guards approached you for sex?" Francis questions. Matthew goes red and looks down.

"W-well there has been a number... But I never accepted their offers! However there was one guard who got a hold of me and well I barely escaped that." Matthew sighs.

"Who was the guard?" Francis' dark blue eyes were swirling with emotion.

"I don't know. I have heard that he is in charge of the guards in the southern wing. So I'm very glad I work here in the western part of the castle." Matthew smiles.

"Yes I stationed you here since I know that everyone in this wing is very civilized." Francis smiles. The pair continues eating until Matthew stands grabbing the tray.

"I'll take this back to the kitchen." Matthew nods.

"Alright and tell everyone I wish to not be disturbed; then return here but tell them that you are going out for the night and only if they ask." Francis leans back. Matthew nods and leaves. He walks through one of the servant doors and goes down under the castle where he returns the tray. He passes his sleeping quarters and one of the omegas that also sleeps in the quarters pulls him up.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asks.

"I'm going out for the night." Matthew says.

"Oh, I know someone who can escort you out." The male had a sinister look on his face. Matthew frowned and shook his head.

"No it's alright I can escort myself out." Matthew says.

"Don't worry I can do it." Matthew felt his stomach drop. It was the guard from the south wing that had attacked him a few nights ago. Matthew looked down and nodded as he slowly made his way around the alpha. The taller male followed Matthew as they walked down the halls. Matthew hoped that if he took long enough Francis would notice the extended leave and come look for him, however Matthew knew that Francis wouldn't actually do that.

"I'm fine from here." Matthew stops at the entrance to the castle.

"No it's fine I'll walk you into town." The guard says. Matthew shakes his head. The guard slams Matthew into the wall as he hovered over him. Matthew reacted on instinct and slammed his hands on the alpha's chest as he cried out. The alpha puts a hand over Matthew's mouth and chuckles. "Don't worry I'll take care of you."

"No you will not." Francis walks into clear view with a stern look on his face. The guard removes his hands from Matthew and stands back in shock.

"King Francis it's not what you think it is. The maid came onto me." The guard says.

"Sure, sure. Arrest him." Francis says. Two more guards step forward and grab him. "Send him to prison." Francis commands. Once the alphas were gone Francis turns to Matthew. "Go to my chambers now." Matthew nods and races back inside the castle. Once Francis entered the room he breathed in the beautiful smell of Golden Lilies. He wanders into bathroom to find Matthew standing there with a smile and a bath full of warm water. "You really know how to outdo yourself." Francis chuckles.

"It's the least I could do." Matthew says.

"Well, would you mind staying the night with me?" Francis asks as Matthew helps him disrobe.

"It would be a pleasure." Matthew says as he also sheds his clothing. The pair settle into the large tub relaxing.

Kingdom of DiamondsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora