Ch-3 My sister My Queen

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Francis was walking through one of the large gardens on the castle grounds. This garden had been designed by King Diamante, Francis' grandmother's grandfather. He was also the first King of Diamonds and because of that the capital city was named after him. He had quite literally created the culture of the Diamonese and as much as Francis respected the man he had wished that he was not related to him. It can with a large amount of responsibility; his mother knew this. His mother was also a direct descendent of the King and had also dealt with having to walk in big shoes because of that.

"Francis." Basch's stern voice cut through the King's thoughts. Francis sighed before turning around. A young omega that looked identical to Basch was standing beside the beta. Francis nodded to the short omega. Francis couldn't figure out whether it was a boy or girl; it wasn't his fault the DIamonese culture was so confusing when it came to omegas. Francis had met multiple male omegas that wore dresses due to the desire to keep with fashion, and from what he'd seen dresses and pretty ribbons were in this season.

"Yes?" Francis asks.

"Meet Lilli my little sister. On her wrist sits the Queen of Diamonds tattoo, I have looked it over and deemed it to be real. You may look it over if you do not believe me." Basch says. Francis nods. He believed Basch, but this gave him a reason to look over the girl. Francis walked forward and the girl offered him her wrist. His long pale fingers gently traced over the small mark. He gives a nod of approval before turning around.

"Does she understand everything?" Francis asks with his back turned. Basch hesitated slightly before replying.

"No, I assume you want me to now?" Basch replies.

"Well I would do it myself but I have a feeling you do not want her to hear it from anyone other than yourself. So go, tell her everything and show her around. We can talk more after she knows everything." Francis continues his stroll as Basch nods and turns to leave with his sister. While walking along he was pulled through a bush and into a private place. He knows its Matthew just from how gently he had tugged him through the bush. The tall omega was already straightening the King's outfit and pulling leaves from his hair.

"I apologise for that but we both know you wouldn't have noticed me long enough to actually come in here." Matthew says. Francis smiles and nods before sitting down on the soft grass. Matthew lies down and looks up at the clouds.

"I saw that Lilli girl; she seems like a good Queen." Matthew says. Francis nods.

"She most likely be; especially because she is Basch's little sister." Francis chuckles. Matthew smiles and nods.

"Tell me; will you leave me now?" Matthew asks.

"Of course not, I've told you before and I'll tell you again; I will never leave you." Francis looks at the peaceful omega.

"We will be treading on thin ice if we continue." Matthew says.

"I guess, but we both know we love to see the water below." Francis counters. Matthew looks over at Francis and nods.

Basch sat down in his office. Lilli sat on the other side of the desk. She looked at her older brother expectantly. Basch thought over where he would start the conversation.

"Well I guess we should start with what will happen now." Basch starts. "You can't talk to anyone outside the castle until after the coronation. Every Royal in all Kingdoms lives under this rule, I don't know why we do it but it's something to do with keeping you safe until you are in power. Your coronation will be in a few months; this will give us time to prepare you for it. You won't be attending the King and Queen of Clubs coronation since you don't understand traditions just yet. Of course after your coronation comes the wedding and the night of the wedding you are to drink a special drink that sends you into heat. This is when the mating will take place. After that you of course are Queen but since you aren't 18 yet, you won't be making any drastic decisions. Of course you still have power and can create laws and pass certain laws but those laws will also be looked over by me and Francis. Usually laws will be looked over by just me but seeing as you are younger the laws will also be looked over by Francis. Also because you are under 18 Francis has complete control over you, I can't do anything to help you there. Francis most likely won't be doing anything you don't like but just keep that in mind, so when he asks you to do something just do it or it could end in some sort of horrible punishment." Basch says. Lilli nods and looks down.

"Do I get a say in what I wear?" Lilli asks.

"No, but I'm sure if you request things Francis can change your Royal clothing to your liking." Basch says.

"Do I get a say in what I eat?" Lilli asks.

"No, but if you ask Francis he should be able to change things to your liking." Basch sighs. He really hated telling his sister these things but this is what came with being Queen, especially in Diamonds. Lilli nods and smiles.

"Well how about you show me my room?" Lilli asks. Basch nods and the pair walks up two flights of stairs before stopping in front of a large wooden carved door that had two guards dressed in gold coloured armor standing outside it. Basch opens the door and the siblings walk inside.

"This is Francis' chambers." He pushes a gold satin curtain aside.

"This is your room." He gestures to the room. Lilli looks in amazement at the large room. She wasn't sure what she expected but it wasn't this. She walks into the room and stares at the bed, it had thin see through yellow curtains surrounding it making it more private. The sheets were a gold satin with a large pure white fur cover over it. The bed frame was a lovely smooth wood that was a rich dark colour. The floor was soft under foot and was also a dark colour. She walks into her dressing room which separated the room by a thin see through yellow curtain. There were no clothes in the room and it seemed very large when it was empty. A large mirror stood on one wall. She walked in the heat room; she knew what this was due to a friend of hers. The room was a nice dark colour with the padded circle being gold in colouration. Lilli had been stunned into silence.

"What do you think of it all?" Basch asks.

"It's so beautiful." She says as she walks back into her bedroom.

"Well let's go see Francis now." Basch says.

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