Ch-9 Trouble

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Lilli stood nervously as she was crowned. Francis gave her a warm smile to help her stay calm. She was crowned and the pair turned to the crowed as Basch came to join them. Francis looked into the ground and felt his heart stop when he made eye contact with Matthew. He had worn a nice gold coloured dress with a high collar. It was lucky for Matthew that high collars were back in season. No one would question him on the choice of attire then. Elizabeta approached first and introduced herself to Lilli.

"Hello, it is nice to meet you. I thought we could be friends seeing as we're both new to being Royals." Elizabeta said with a hopeful look in her eyes. Elizabeta had been dressed nicely in a bright green dress with a split down the side. Francis noticed the sword that hung from her waist.

"I see you have started carrying a sword." Francis says. He felt like it may have had something to do with Ivan turning supply ships away and cutting back on sending out supply ships.

"Yes, I decided to continue with my lessons." Elizabeta smiles.

"You took lessons?" Francis asks. Elizabeta had giggled and nodded.

"My family is famous for making swords and producing lots of loyal soldiers for Clubs' army. I started to learn how to use a sword when I turned 10. I've been practicing for 15 years to make sure I knew as much as possible. I used to carry a hidden sword when I was with Roderich because he didn't like people outside of Clubs seeing me with a sword strapped to my waist. Fortunately for me Ivan was perfectly fine with me carrying a sword again." Elizabeta says. Francis notices Alfred keep Arthur back from going to talk to him, the Spadian King locked eyes with Francis. Francis felt himself shrink back slightly when he gave him a stern glare.

"So does it make you feel safe?" Lilli asks.

"Yes it does. I feel like I can protect myself and the ones I care for." Elizabeta says softly. The two Queens walk off together as they continue talking.

"Maybe I should take up sword lessons." Lilli taps her chin in thought and Elizabeta shakes her head.

"Swords are not fit for a girl like you. I recommend looking into using daggers or something like that." Elizabeta smiles. She reaches out and looks over Lilli's soft, pale hands. "These hands are fit for small daggers, not for large swords." Elizabeta says as she releases Lilli's hands.

"Maybe I'll ask big brother if he will teach me how to use a dagger." Lilli smiles.

"I think that would be a good idea. I mean the world is changing, you need to make sure you are changing with it." Elizabeta smiles.

Francis was finally approached by someone. He was not expecting it to be a concerned looking Ludwig. The two King's greeted each other before Ludwig started talking.

"Has Ivan been turning some of your ships away?" Ludwig asks and Francis nods.

"I was just about to go looking for you to ask you the same thing. I've been nervous lately, if Ivan starts to send away ships and not send out supplies we won't know what he's doing. I would like to discuss all this with Arthur as well, however after my last visit to the Caslte of Spades I seem to have caused a rift between Alfred and myself." Francis says.

"If you think that there is a rift between you and Alfred then you haven't seen the valley between Ivan and Alfred." Ludwig says. Francis raises his eyebrows mutually asking for more information. "If you are around the two of them it feels like the air is icy cold and both alphas never seem to blink when they look at each other. The smiles they give each other are quite menacing as well." Ludwig sighs. Francis looks around to find Matthew but in the process meets eyes with a furious alpha. Alfred now stood in front of him with his arms crossed.

"Alfred calm down." Arthur put a hand on Alfred's arm. Arthur retracts his hand instantly with one look from the teenager, Matthew also appeared next to Alfred and tried his luck with the alpha. Ludwig stood straight next to Francis as the two older alphas looked at Alfred.

"Hello Alfred." Ludwig greets.

"Why did you bring Matthew with you when you randomly visited my castle last week?" Alfred asks.

"I didn't bring Matthew with me." Francis says with a frown. Francis took a step back when Alfred took a step forwards.

"Do not lie to me. I could smell him on Arthur and I could smell him in Arthur's office. Just like I could smell you on Arthur." Alfred seethes. Arthur blinked in shock.

"That's how you knew... That's why you reacted so badly when I went to my bed..." Arthur trails off and Alfred chuckles.

"Did you really think I wouldn't have known Arthur?" Alfred turned to face the omega. "Never underestimate someone like me. I didn't survive my childhood by doing nothing." Alfred's eyes sharpened. Arthur dropped his head quickly and bared his mating mark to Alfred. The alpha just pet Arthur's head before turning to look at Francis.

"So are you going to tell me why my brother was at my castle and why he all of a sudden has a mating mark?" Alfred asks with crossed arms.

"It was with one of the guards!" Matthew blurted out. Alfred blinked in surprise and turned to his younger brother.

"Well why didn't you say so before? Honestly you scare me sometimes Mattie." Alfred relaxes and lets out a sigh. Matthew looks at his brother expecting to see an annoyed older brother. He had always been bad at lying so he assumed Alfred was being sarcastic however the alpha looked like he believed him. Matthew just smiled and hugged his brother.

"Sorry, I was just embarrassed you wouldn't understand." Matthew says. Alfred nods before apologizing to Francis who accepted the apology. Lilli and Elizabeta soon appeared and Lilli spoke of how her and Elizabeta had become such good friends in the short amount of time they were together.

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