Day 5

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Josh💘: Good morning babe, are you hungover?

Me: ugh, yes. My head hurts like a bitch. How's tour?

Josh💘: it's really good, although I'm worried about Tyler. He changed the lyrics to Stressed Out last night, saying "I hope they sing along". I hope he's okay.

Me: maybe he's just going through stuff. Talk to him, he's your best friend.

Josh💘: okay, I will. Hey, we are playing a show only an hour away tonight, wanna come!

Me: yes! I can't wait to see you.

Josh💘: yay, I play the drums 737382828 times better when I know you are in the audience.

Me: aw baby 😍

Josh💘: come backstage before the show tonight, I'll have a suprise for you ;)

Me: should I be scared???? 😂

Josh: maybe....😉

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