There were a chorus of “yeahs”


I was tempted to just walk out of the bathroom, but suddenly the girl with the frizzy red hair locked eyes with me.


Suddenly a hush fell over them as they all saw me standing there. I looked at all of them. They were all under 10. The youngest was 5, and the oldest was 10.


As I looked at them, I realized that they were right. I couldn’t be as trusting, or as pretty, or as young as them. I was a mess, and nobody could ever love me. I might as well accept it.

I turned around to hide the tears that were running down my face and pulled the curtain on one of the locker room styled showers.


I showered quickly, drying was away all signs of my tears.


After I was done I dried off and changed into my torn and worn clothes, dreading the harassment that I knew was going to ensue at school.


I glanced at the clock and my eyes widened. I grabbed the torn backpack that Madame Lestrange had borrowed me from school and rushed outside. The bright yellow bus was just pulling in front of the Foster Care Center.


I quickly leaped up the steps and ignored the looks I got. I got it I was the “Foster kid” I might as well had the plague.


I sunk down into the seat directly behind the bus driver and pulled out my copy of Lord of the Rings and read, ignoring the items that pelted my back. This happened everyday. but today it was beginning to be too much.


I guess it didn’t help that my 16th birthday was tomorrow and I knew that nobody was going to remember, let alone care.


As I walked down the school halls followed by the glares of everyone the word of the girls this morning echoed through my brain.


I reached Homeroom and just walked through the day like a zombie. The resident bullies of course had to make a point to harass me between every class.


I was just walking to my last class when suddenly someone stuck their leg out in front of me, and I flew forward, my books flying everywhere.


I sighed and scooped them up. i looked up to see Lauren standing there, a smirk on her face.


“Oops.” She sneered, and walked away with her friends as they walked away.


Mrs. Avery, my music teacher sighed and knelt down and helped me pick up my books.


“Come on, Alex, there’s going to be an assembly soon, and I was just going to pull you out of class anyway, we have a surprise for you!”


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