Chapter Eight

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Laken Rivera

I woke up to the smell of breakfast, something I barely smelled at Xae's apartment. I looked around and saw that I was still at EJ's apartment. I must have knocked out here.

"I went to Miss J and she made us some food." He said, bringing me over the foil tray with a stack of waffles, a couple strips of bacon and a chocolate muffin.

"How nice of her," I took it and began munching on the bacon, "I'm starving."

He smiled and sat next to me with his food and began eating. He paused in the middle and grabbed his remote, pressing a button that started playing the song Smile, by Isaiah Rashad. 

"No TV?" I asked him with a mouth full of waffles.

"Nah, I don't really watch that shit. I vibe with music." He said.

"Hmm..." I said as I slowed down my chewing, realizing that I haven't told Xavier I was with him. "Oh shit. Do you have your phone on you? I have to call Xae."

"I don't, why?"

"Tell him I'm here so he doesn't get all worried. You have a house phone?"

He chuckled, "Fuck this look like?"

"EJ, stop playing. I have to go back." I said, putting down my food.

"Laken, relax. Finish eating then we'll go back. I doubt his ass even up yet."

I took a deep breath and tried to relax myself, picking up my food again. I began to eat again, but slow. I was starting to get a bit uncomfortable. If Denver knew about this, who knows what he would do.

"You look pretty sexy when you smokin' that blunt." He said.

I looked at him and swallowed hard as my face started heating up, "Stop it, no I don't."

"You do." He chuckled.

" do you get all that weed anyway?"

"As the plug, I need to have a good supply."

"I know, but how do you get it?"

"I grow it myself."


"In the basement, I have a weed nursery. I grow my own shit...and it's the best too. Why you think so many people hit me up?"

"There's other types?"

"Yeah there's different strains. Too many, actually."

"I want to try different strains. Let's just see if yours is the best." I challenged.

He smirked at me, "Bet. Give me two days. After work, come here and spend the whole day."

"The whole day? I'd have to work, though."

"I'll tell Shade to let you off for a day. Nothing but blunts, food and music. How that sound?" He asked me.

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