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pht why does he bloody want my art? It's honestly crap. Brrrriiiiiinnnggg! I jump, stupid bell gets me all the time, on the other side it saved me out of English class which was quiet because the stupid teacher made us work in silence. Finally! recess, took long enough, I walked out to my locker grabbing my food and walked very slowly to our place, right by the chapel. "Hey Abril" I smile, "Hey Tats!" she giggled, "Omg you would not believe who asked me something today like" I screeched making me sound like I'm fangirling around a celebrity. "Let me guess Mason?" she said in that type of man you make it so obvious tone of voice "What how do you know?" I said with my eyes wide open, "ARE YOU SERIOUS, LIKE NO SARCASM WHATSOEVER!?" she yelled back, "Woah guys I haven't even stepped in and it's already a ruckus." Abigail said, we all turned and laughed, "Yea I could here you from a bloody mile away" Cacey chuckled. "So you were at?" Abril said. "He asked me, ahem actually he begged me to send him this thing I was drawing in class, like begged" I emphasised, "ARE YOU SERIOUS HOLY" Abril gaped, clapping hilariously like a seal as if she heard a stupid pun. I laughed holding my stomach because it started to hurt.

"You like him don't you?" Abigail asked, my mouth opened in an 'o' shape "excuse you but I would never" I snapped, "ha ha funny Tats, this happens in all love stories I read, just admit it buddy" Cacey winked. "Yea but Cace this isn't any love story, and it's not the start of one either.", I rolled me eyes, "alright I have to admit he is pretty hot" I smirked, everyone burst out laughing like demented seals, oh did I love this bunch, I spent the whole of recess nibbling on my apple and yelling out jokes to the group. All the happiness was finally filling me until yes you guessed it the bell rang. Dammit, math class. "Cace we have maths next right?" I turned asking, "Yep I'll meet you at yours" she said, I nodded. "Alright have fun kids I'll see you all alive at lunch" I shouted whilst walking, "You wish Tats, you wish" Abigail chuckled. I walked to my locker with Abril until I glanced Mason ahead, I felt a painful nudge in the side of my rib cage and looked over "Abril that bloody hurt!" I said nudging her sides as well, "Ow! look your boyfriends ahead" she winked, "shut up fatass" I snapped back at her only to see her rude finger pointed right towards me as she walked. Asshole I chuckled to myself.

I walked into maths with Cace to see Mason already in the room. He looked up, gave me the 'cool boy' smirk and wink and shifted his head to his friends. "What was that Tats?" Cace nudged, "He does it to everyone and anyone" I growled as I set myself and my books onto my assigned table. "Where's Mr Buche? Don't tell me he's not here today?" , "No not a relief, no no", and to the moment of truth the stupid relief teacher guy thing walks in, you've got to be kidding me I hate this teacher so much. I sat there throughout the whole lesson staring out the window and writing down equations. Even Cacey was drooling in her small nap beside me. Mason on the other hand was enjoying himself by acting naive towards the teacher, such dickheads. The clock ticked ever so slowly as I tried to finish the last equation assigned to me, I was a straight A-ish student so I have no idea how I passed my exams and make it into this stupid hard ass course.

The bell rang, never had I ever wished for such an annoying sound to be my saviour. I walked out with Cacey and she kept staring at me, "what?" I asked, "oh nothing it totally didn't see anything weird with you staring at the same equation for you know 10 minutes straight, you know all good" she blabbed, "I never knew you were able to say that much without taking a breathe" I said, "I know cos I'm breathless" she smiled "sike bitch you ain't nothing" I yelled whilst pushing her into Calvin one of the pops, I started speed walking through the the river of high schoolers and smiled when I heard "I will drown you" in the distance, oh Cacey. I had art next, quite a fun subject, I loved art, it was never a problem with me like the other subjects and best of all, there were no popular people, just me and my stupid friends.

"Guys please right you name onto this pieces of paper please" Ms G said whilst handing over a strip of paper. "what do you think this is for?" Abril asked, "lucky dip!" Abigail yelped in joy, "but why?" Cacey questioned, "that's what I'm thinking" I murmured. Alright guys put them in this hat, so I did what I was told and walked over and put my name in, OOOOH A LUCKY DIP, this is gonna be fun! "alright our next topic is portraits, so I'm going to give this to the other art class and whoever picks up your name, you have to paint, draw, sketch whatever, however if they want to swap they may, but you cannot go swapping names for them." I sighed, who'd be in the other class? Eh this sounds fun anyways so. "omg this is going to be so fun!" Cacey sang, "Not if you get a popular" Abril stated, "Wait what?!" we all yelled, "Raincheck guys there's the whole popular squad in the other class just a heads up" Abril said, we all gawked our mouths open as if we just saw a ghost, "maybe this isn't so fun after all" Abigail sighed. Next minute we know it the other class walked in, it looked like they'd been painting, all of them had coloured  hands and paintbrushes in the hands. "alright we have to be quick here" Mrs G said, right.. quick. The other class picked the names in the hat, I scrolled my eyes to look at the other class, James, Pete, Dawson, Gage, Brittany, Angela, Felicity, Hannah, Larry and what! no MASON?! I ran my hand up to my heart, it wasn't beating fast, HAHA SIKE you all thought this story was all cliche, you thought wrong!

"Let's partner up" Mrs G said, the other class members walked over to us, I stood there wondering and a bit worried about who it is, Brittany walked over to me and smiled "Your Tatiana right?", I nodded "I'm -" "Brittany yes I know" she smiled and nodded, her blue eyes and light hair glistened in the sunlight, she was truly beautiful, not like Angela, she was like devil material. We stood next to our partners, I glanced up and saw that one of the boys in our class Johnny had Mason, phew, close on Tatiana close one. I turned my head to the other direction to see Abril with a goody two shoes Bryce, Abigail with hah Gage and Cacey with this wierd other guy, I don't even know his name, I feel so bad. I was quite satisfied with my partner Brittany, she was a good one out of the group, rare to find and she was really good at art, like really good. "Alright swap all you want now, I'll give you 5 , I've got to go fetch something from my office" Mrs G said. I was staring at Britanny's shoes and heard shuffling, I never bothered looking up until I saw Britanny's shoes move ,what where's she going, I jerked up "Britanny, where are you going?" , she smiled at me "I heard Mason has fallen in love with your art, I'll give him a chance this time" she winked and walked away, I was shocked, what no. I heard chuckling behind me, before I could turn strong warm hands grabbed my waist, I used my hands to push off them, I turned directly at him, "mate you don't wanna touch me there" , "what's wrong? come on, we're partners, ,might as well go get to know each other better" Mason smirked, "does it look I wanna!" I shouted, he raised his eyebrow and then looked down at the ground, "look I'm so-" , "no I'm sorry" he cut me off to apologise? Maybe he wasn't that hard to push past. Finally some pop guy who actually gives me some slack, "it's fine just don't do that again", "I can't promise anything" he said with that smirk back on his face, man did I want to slap it off, "asshole." I spat.

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