The Dark Kingdom [chapter 9]

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quick shout out to LeighM73! she's a really good reader so if you could check out her stories as well then that would be amazing!



Go read read read!!!


"Sashel, are you okay? You don't look too good!" Sam asked me.

"Yea I'm fine, just a little tired that's all." I replied putting on a weak smile, to be honest though, I felt like total crap! I hadn't slept much in like a week because my dreams were getting to me, I hadn't been eating properly so I was weak and didn't have any energy, on the positive side Blair and I had made our relationship public sure it meant I got evils from Vicky and Veronica but it was good to piss them off.

Sam told me he would see me later and went off towards the library.

It was only when I was around the corner that I started to get dizzy, oh jeez my dorm was up the stairs. I tried to concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other but I couldn't see anything and it felt like someone was just spinning me round.

"SASH!" A voice I was so grateful to hear shouted. I heard him come running up to me.

"Whats wrong?" Blair asked me. I couldn't talk and I couldn't stop coughing, it was like someone had put something down my throat. Finally I couldn't stand anymore and I done something that I had only ever done once before in my life...I collapsed. It was strange, everything was black and I couldn't move but I could hear Blairs voice in my ear shouting to someone.

"Jack come over here and help me pick her up!"

"No." It was definitely Jack alright, it just proved how much he hated me he couldn't even bare to touch me.

"What? What is wrong with you? She's not well!"

"I know what your trying to do Blair and I'm not going to let it happen!" He said through what sounded like clenched teeth.

"Whatever, just help me take her to the medical room."

"No. She needs to see Craig. I'll take her." He said while practically snatching me off of Blair.

I felt him breaking out into a slow jog when a voice practically screeched from behind us.

"Jacky! Over here Jacky." A voice that very much sound like Vicky's shouted.

"O'god!" I heard him whisper, "Hi Victoria." He said slowly turning round.

"Oh Jack how many times do I have to tell you call me Vicky, please! And what is that icky girl Sashel doing lying on you?"

"She's not well and I'm carrying her to see Craig, so I better get going bye." He said, not bothering to wait for a reply he broke into a slow jog again along the corridor. I could feel something making its way up from my stomach I quickly opened my eyes, "You've got to put me down! I think I'm going to be sick!" I somehow managed to say.

He quickly put me down, and I bent down to be sick, but when it came up it wasn't was blood.

"Sashel I'm so sorry, I never realised how far gone you were." Blair whispered while pulling me up into his arms and running down the stairs with me. What the hell is he talking about? Far gone? What the hell!

"You put me...down." I managed to gurgle in between the blood flowing out of my mouth and going all over him.

He ran down the final corridor and kicked Principal Laiklans door in.

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