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Do you ever feel like you're hollow inside? Like you're empty and there's nothing but complete anxiety surging within you?

Yes, that's exactly how I'm feeling right now.

I'm getting married today. But I feel nothing. I'm supposed to feel those 'butterflies in your stomach' thing but no. Nothing.

Most people would feel happy at their wedding day. Well, not me.

I'm forced to marry someone whom I completely don't love just because our family was indebted to him, Lucas Hyde.

There's nothing more I want to do but to stab myself, just by the sound of his name. I utterly hated him.

Yes, I can't deny the fact that he's really attractive that every girls would come swooning to him but he's so full of himself and it seems like all he cares about is his fucking luxury. There's no way I'm gonna marry a guy like that. All I could feel towards him is disgust and hatred.

All my life, I've always dreamt about getting married to the perfect guy and getting to spend the rest of it with him. But I guess, all those happy endings in fairytales that I've always love as a kid, will remain all fictional to me.

Call me a disrespectful and an ungrateful daughter, but I hate my parents. For once in my life, I never felt like they really see me as their daughter. At least they gave me everything just what a normal parent should do to their children, like dressing me, feeding me but they did it not because they care for me and love me but rather because it's their responsibility.

I've done everything just for the sake of saving my family's reputation but all I am to them is nothing and this is where I end up, getting married to a total douche.

My mother is a fucking social climber. She's always too busy showing off her luxurious things to her friends than being an actual mom to me. My mother doesn't give a crap about me. All she cares about is how to not embarrass herself in front of her high-class friends.

My father on the other side is less worse than my mother. He is much more a parent to me than my mother will ever be. But my dad and I never talk too much because of his work. My dad works his ass 24/7 just to support my mother's lavish lifestyle. And that's why I hated him for not being able to stand up for our family. For letting my mom ruin everything. He's supposed to be the foundation of the family but it seems like he's the first one to crumble down. My evil mother had my dad wrapped around her fingers and he seems to be so blind about it.

Everytime I would try to talk to him about it, about how my mom is wasting all our money, he would tell me to shut up and that it's none of my business anymore.

We've been drowning in debt because of my mother. And know how selfish she is when she made me, her own daughter, a payment.

I protested but she still won in the end.

They ruined everything in my life. They took away everything good left in my pathetic life.

They're the reason why I had lose my only breathing space , my boyfriend, Nicholas.

He's the only person whom I felt loved and cared. Although there are times when I doubted if he really did. If it weren't for my parents, it would be him waiting for me as I walk down the aisle, smiling at all the people around us.

My mother disapproves about Nicholas but I don't care. I love pissing her off to hell everytime she sees me making out with him, which I always purposely do.

But right after when Nicholas found out about the marriage, he left, saying he's moving somewhere to start over again. And that's all. I've never heard of him again since then.

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