Chapter 23: Domestic

Start from the beginning

I liked the color of the paint; light blue. Timmy would love it, but more than that, he was going to love the posters Michael got for him. They had all his favorite cartoon characters on them; except the vegetables because that was just another stressful story. I poured the paint into the roller dish and made sure the roller was coated properly, before I started on the wall. It was a really nice blue. Too bad the job would take all day because the room was so big.

I was halfway done with the first coat on one wall when Timmy showed up. "Daddy, tea?"

"Gimmie a sec. No don't come in here."

I rolled the paint onto the wall real quick and climbed down the ladder.

"What kinda tea do you want? Chocolate?"

He shook his head.

"Mint, Camomile, peppermint, green tea?" He shook his head for all of them. It was Michael's damn fault for having so many options.

"Then what?"


"Warm milk?"

"Yes daddy." I was following him down the hall when he pointed to me and Michael's room and said; "Micha seeping."

"You wanna go wake him up?" he nodded. "Go then. Tell him it's time to get up and then come downstairs for the milk."

"Micha daddy say up!" he was shouting as he ran down the hall and into the other room.

I rolled my eyes. 'Course he'd have to drag my name into it.

I should have just gone downstairs after that, but for some stupid reason I couldn't help but go stand in the doorway and watch. Timmy was patting Michael's side. I shook my head. A normal person wouldn't feel a thing from the way he was patting, but of course Michael, being trained and all that stuff that came went with being a FBI agent, woke up anyway.

He didn't open his eyes, but he groaned. "Go back to sleep kid." I shivered all the way down to my toes. I always loved his morning voice. It was always deeper and sexier than usual; if that was even possible.

"No, daddy say up!"

"Yeah okay." He said, but instead of getting up, he turned around and pulled the pillow over his head.

Timmy looked at me, and I backed away from the door and shook my head.

"Micha, daddy say up."

I swear it happened in like less than a second, but one second I was watching Timmy and the next, Michael reached over and pulled him under the covers with him. I couldn't see Timmy anymore, but I could hear him giggling.

I smiled. I loved it when Timmy laughed. Ever since we started living here, it had turned into a regular thing. Michael was good for him.

"Micha no tickows!"

What if Michael really was serious about this? What if he never got tired of us? Lots of people in the world had really good lives. Like Michael's parents; they were old and they'd been together practically forever. If Michael was anything like his old man, then maybe, just maybe, he wanted a forever type of relationship.

I knew at least one person like me who used to live on the streets and everything, and now he was happy. So what if maybe it could happen for me and Timmy?

I shook my head. I wish I could know for sure if all this shit was possible. Then I could relax and laugh like Timmy, and be comfortable in this big old house, and just be happy with Michael.

I clapped a hand over my forehead. All this stressing was only giving me a headache.

Timmy giggled again from somewhere under the covers and I left to go make his warm milk.

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