I was staring directly at the Masked Mysterioso's chest, nothing but a couple inches between us. I slowly and shyly trialed my view up to his gaze. It was intense and I felt intimidated as all hell. I gulped down the lump and pursed my lips. His vibrant lime green irises stared down, right back at me. We said nothing as I stood, my cheeks bright red, with him I front of me, his lips straight. I couldn't tell what emotion he was feeling. That's one curse of the masks; you can never tell how the other person is really feeling.

"Come on, we'll be late." He firmly grasped my wrist and began to pull me along.

* * *

chapter five, part III

Just as we were about to step off the ship the Masked Mysterioso, still holding my wrist, leaned down to my ear and whispered, "you know, you look nice in thin lace bras and panties."

I looked up at him, not sure how to react. Do I thank him? Do I cuss him out? Do I punch him? Do I hit his twins? At that moment, standing on the ramp leading up from the land to the deck, I was too out of it to respond properly. I was tired and still quite embarrassed. I stared up at him, my mouth open to say something, but my mind was blank. I averted my gaze from his hard stare and pursed my lips. I felt blood rush to my cheeks and I harshly yanked my wrist from his grip. I ditched him and walked off the ship on my own.

Gah! He's playing with my head! I hate that guy! Shit, I probably look as red as a ripe strawberry.

The island was pretty at the first glance. We were anchored on the beach, the tip of the ship almost hitting the pale yellow sand. Conch shells and palm frees were scattered across the area. Looking further, there was a lively green forest once you left the beach area. It was pretty. I stepped off the ramp and the first thing I stepped in was dead seaweed that had washed up onto the shore. Seaweed creeped me out. You know when you're swimming and you get a sudden fear that something will grab you from beneath, like a tentacle will wrap around you ankle, or shark jaws will clamp on to your foot, and you'll be dragged down, and that's the last of you and probably nobody would notice the final bubbles that will pop on the surface in the same exact spot you were just gleefully swimming in but it's too late and you're already dead? Yeah, you probably don't. But I do, and that fear is so creepy. Then this seaweed shit wraps around my feet or legs when you're swimming, I flip the fuck out. Yeah, I know. I'm overreacting this whole seaweed subject. Don't judge me.

"My Gem! Please, come, let us move on. We've been waiting for you. That man - he offered to go get you. You should thank him." Captain Gareth called out to me, only standing meters away. He stood out in the crowd of crew members. It looked like there were two hundred men, all masked and some holding swords, a few of them even had large pistols and guns. A couple buff masked men were carrying huge barrels. What was in them? Beats me.

What? Did the captain just tell me to thank the Masked Mysterioso?

I stood, seriously reluctant to thank the masked pervert. All I could do was stare back at the captain. The crew members all turned to me. A few bickered things such as "who's she" or "when did she get here". One even had the audacity to scoff, "a girl". I briefly glared at that one. I still didn't speak. My eyes trailed to my left and there he was, standing with a grin, his arms crossed. If there was one think I could not do, it was thank him. He was like toxic to me. Plus, after he rescued me from that thug, I didn't even thank him. I owed him a thanks for saving my sorry ass, I owed him a thanks for giving me his cozy (and damn good smelling) cloak, I possibly owed him a thanks for telling me I rock lace garments, and now this. I owed him a thanks for retrieving me. Then the thought struck me.

He's actually a caring person...?

I squinted up at the grinning fool and cocked my head, not believing the fact that he was caring.

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