Chapter five

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chapter five

It was the start of the day we'd reach and explore the abandoned island. I only woke up because someone was shaking my shoulder, I definitely could have slept for another fifteen minutes, or an hour, fuck it; I probably could have slept for another decade.

"Vivienne, come on, wake up." I knew that voice all too well but I was still half asleep so my brain hadn't processed the fact that the Masked Mysterioso was trying to wake me up.

"Mm... Ten more minutes..." I grunted and turned onto my stomach, burying my face into the fluffy white pillow under me.

"Vivienne - "

I grunted and kicked the covers around. I forgot about the fact that I had taken off my clothes the night before while Jackson - Mike - was still on the deck. I was laying in my bed, dressed in nothing but black laced underwear and a matching black laced bra. Once I kicked the covers around my skin was exposed. Still not registering shit, I just dozed off right there. My hair looked like a damn jungle, my arms buried under the pillow, my legs sprawled out in different directions.


Finally my head ducked out from the clouds it was stuck in and I lifted my chin up, fluttering and batting my eyes open while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

I came down to reality.


"OhmyfuckinghellgetoutrightthissecondorI'llripyourheadoffyourneck!" My eyes shot open and I basically screamed, pulling the covers over my head.

"Dumbass, I'm trying to get you out of here! We're anchored on the island right now so get dressed and let's go. I'll be waiting outside your room."

He left the cabin, way more calm than I was, leaving me to freak-out over what had just happened.

Oh. My. Fuck.
Oh my fuck.
O H! M Y! F U C K!

I wanted to cry, I hadn't been so embarrassed since the time a stranger saw me without pants on when the glanced up at my bedroom window, and that was two years ago. My face burned almost painfully.

"Mike! I fucking hate you!'

* * *

chapter five, part II

After getting dressed I stood at the cabin door, reluctant to open it. I didn't want to. The only thing on the other side was awkwardness waiting to happen, and I wasn't up for that. I was so flustered at that moment I couldn't think straight. I just stood there, my mask on, dressed in my usual dress with the Masked Mysterioso's oversized black cloak. My lips were pursed, my cheeks a fiery red as I stared down intensely at the doorknob. It suddenly looked so menacing, despite just being an innocent, lifeless doorknob. I hated my decisions at that moment, I hated Jackson, I hated the Masked Mysterioso, I hated the ship, I hated the fucking doorknob.

"Hey, did you die or something?" The Masked Mysterioso's voice hollered from the opposite side of the wooden door, his tone low and husky. I didn't respond. I couldn't. I was too dumbstruck to even move a hand towards the doorknob. There was a thick lump in the back of my throat, basically preventing my voice from functioning. Seconds later I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

"Hello?" He began to bang on the door with a fist, far from a knock. His voice proved he was clearly growing irritated. I bit my lip and clenched my fists harshly. I took in a deep breath, trying my best not to die of embarrassment. I grabbed the doorknob and swung the door open with such force I was afraid the weak door would fly out of its hinges.

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