And Michael said he felt the same way too.

The funny thing though, the thing I can’t wrap my head around, is that our relationship had been perfect. We never fought, conversation was always easy and we fell into a predictable, comfortable daily routine. So what had happened?

I’d played our entire relationship over in my mind, looking for the telltale signs of dissatisfaction. But I couldn’t find any. Unless I was missing something? Stormy-Rain had said something to me once that was suddenly reverberating in my ears, “You know, if a guy’s not getting it, he’s going to go looking for it somewhere else!”

My blood ran cold. Had it been unreasonable of me to expect him to abstain for so long? He was a red-blooded male after all, and one who could probably get sex a million times a day with a million different women. Hot, thin women. It’s not like we weren’t sexual though, we’d done everything else but the actual deed. God, my mind was spinning, my thoughts were going haywire and once again I was overcome with an urge to phone him. I needed to speak to him. 

I reached for my phone and realised it was off. I suspected that my friends and family were panicking by now and had probably sent out search and rescue helicopters and sniffer dogs, so I dropped them all a reassuring message.

And then I logged onto Facebook, went straight to his page and scanned. Nothing.

Twitter. Nothing.

Instagram. Nothing.

I dialled his number and it immediately went to voicemail, and hearing his voice made me feel sick.

My heart started pounding and I broke into a cold sweat. A sick feeling was washing over me in waves.

I dialled again. Voicemail.

I dialled again. Voicemail.

Again. Voicemail

Should I leave a message? But what would I say?

Hey Michael, it’s me, Lilly. I was just calling to ask WHY THE FUCK YOU LEFT ME AT THE ALTAR YOU BASTARD ASSHOLE JERK-FACE? Anyway, love you and chat soon, bye.

I was relieved when I heard a knock at the door, and I decided to take it as a sign that I should leave well enough alone. I was still wet from my bath and opened the door in my towel, just as Damian was coming up the stairs.

 “Good evening.” A man in a black suit greeted us both. “Your dinner is ready.”

“What dinner?”

“The romantic dinner on the beach that Mr Edwards…” he turned and looked at Damian now, “That Mr Edwards organised for your wedding night.”

 “That sounds great, I’m starving,” Damian said.

“No, I don’t think so!” My tone was fierce and the man in the suit looked surprised.

“But it’s all arranged, and it’s very beautiful.”

I was torn, the very mention of the word ‘food’ made my stomach growl and mouth water, but the idea of a romantic dinner with Damian on the beach, well, that was just weird.

Damian jumped in, he was making a habit of that. “Would you mind giving us five minutes?”

The man in the suit left and Damian stepped forward.

“But aren’t you hungry?” He asked.

“I am but…” I tried to pull my towel up so it covered as much of my body as possible and I wished I was wearing a Burka.

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