Losing Something Special

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I've been in forty-one foster homes for the past four years. I have a little brother and I love him to death. His name is Derek. I would do anything for him. And I know that he would do the same for me. My mom died when Derek was two. I lost her when I was six. I can still remember the last time I saw her...*Flash back*... She made us pancakes and was laughing because Derek was trying to get inside of the fridge. I was talking to my dad. Mom had just found out that she had brain cancer. I didn't know what it meant at the time but I knew that she was sick. We were in the car and mom was driving, all of a sudden she screamed and said, "I love you all, never ever forget that." And that was the last time I saw her. We didn't wreck, but I knew she was gone. That she had died. And I've never been the same scenic.

9 years later...

"Derek!" I screamed, "Stop it, your hurting him."

"Shut up you little whore," my foster father yelled at me.

Derek was just lying there on the floor not making a sound. I ran over to him and picked him up. "Derek, please please talk to me Baby," I cried.

All of a sudden I hear sirens blarring. The cops were here...good, or not so good.

"Put the baseball bat down, and get on the ground now!" yelled a police officer.

"Someone help him, please," I said crying out to anyone that could hear me.

An ambulance had just arrived. So I ran and told them to help Derek.

A police officer walked over to me and he asked, "Hello my name is Officer Rainsford. So I'm gonna ask you a few questions. Are you the sister or just a person helping to walk by?"

I just stared at him for a second and said, "I am the sister my name is Nikki McAllen. And do NOT, I repeat do Not make my brother and I go back to that God damned son of a bitch."

"Don't worry, he'll be in prison for the rest of his life for almost killing four foster kids." said Officer Rainsford.

"Four?!" I said. "Are you people fucking nuts?"

"I'll get you for this, you little whore. Just you wait and see. When I get out of jail I'll beat the living shit out of you and that little shithead." said my foster dad.

"There's a family willing to take you and your brother in." said Officer Rainsford.

20 minutes later....

"Okay. Their are few foster homes for you and your brother. But they have all been charged with something, but their is only one that has never had charges of anything. They'll be here in about an hour," Officer Rainsford told us.

"Okay... And thank you, again sir. I just want what's best for my brother, and I only need to know that he'll be safe," I said to Officer Rainsford.

"That's great. My son Matthew will take you to the waiting room," Officer Rainsford told us.

"Okay, but seriously thank you for everything that you've do for me and my brother," I told him one last time.

Then the door opened and a dark-haired guy about 17 came in.

"This is my son Matthew, Matthew this is Nikki and her little brother Derek," said Officer Rainsford.

"Hi," was all he said.

"Hi," Derek and I said at the same time.

"Come on, let's get to the waiting room," said Matthew.

"K," was my answer to him. I held out my arm to Derek and said, "Come on Baby."

Matthew rolled his eyes, but when he saw Derek come and hug me he realize that Derek was crying. He heard Derek say, "I love you sissy." But he said it in a very small tone and quite voice that he didn't know where to look.

20 minutes later....

We're at the waiting room. Derek was asleep on the couch.

"Hey Nikki, can I talk to you before you leave?" Matthew asked.

"Yeah, sure," I answered. We walked into the hallway.

"If you don't mind me asking.... how did Derek get bruises on this back and stomach?" Matthew asked.

"Um...." I felt a moment's hesitation, "The last foster father we just had started beating the living shit out of him," I said truthfully.

"Oh.... well I'm sorry for that, but do you know what school you're going to?" he asked.

"No, I don't know. Sorry," I said.

"S'Okay....Um..... well if you go to the same school as me, then I can show you around. If you want to," Matthew said.

"Well thank you Matthew, but I don't trust people that easily," I said. He looked away, but not before I caught a glimpse of disappointment on his face. Then he turned back and looked at me.

"Just call me Matt," he said. "Hey I'm really sorry, but I have to go. I hope I'll see you later," he said. But when he got up he kissed me on the forehead and my cheek. "It was really nice meeting with you Nikki," he said before exiting out the door.

"Damn, I haven't seen him do that before," said Officer Rainsford. "Just watch out, he's a player," he added.

"I can tell. And I learned not to date anyone from my first boyfriend." I said.

"What happened?" Officer Rainsford asked.

"When I told my foster parents that I had a boyfriend, they beat the shit out of me.... and Derek," I said.

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