Decisions, Decisions

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"The inbetween is where you can choose to see the beauty in what is or isnt, you can choose to go back into your own world or you could choose the path that you wish to go." My mother says in a serious voice. "Make your desicion my child."



        ¼ Matt's P.O.V. ¼

She's so pale... I think as I look at Nikki. She's-decorated i think is the right word- with tubes, casts, and bandages. The heart monitor beeps slow, steady, and fragile-like; Telling me that she's still here- still alive.

“I'm so fucking stupid," I say as I lay my head on the railing of the hospital bed, tears rolling siren my cheeks.

“Why?" Startled, I jumped while almost taking over. I looked towards the door- it was now or never. Either tell them the truth and let them get over their hate for me afterwards because i told the truth, or lie and have them hate me for forever....

“Hey Derek... What's up little man?" I tried smiling, but failed miserably.

“Don't think that I'll let you off the hook Rainsford," Jake said while glaring at me with as much pain he had for seeing his new sister in the hospital- and hate for seeing me. Then he continued, “I know what you did you asshole, and you're lucky I'm not pounding you into the ground where you belong!"

“I know that I made a mistake, but... I-I just," I sigh heavily. “I love her... I asked her to be my girlfriend, and i got really insecure about myself. I ended up waking out and find home before she could answer... I-I, I ended up calling Cindi thinking that she could get my mind off of Nikki... And when I realised that I could go through with it, there was a knock on the site and Cindi volunteered to answer it. I didn't know that she knew it was Nikki. I just... When I walked to the site just enough to see her... I said things that I regret greatly, and even more because of how her face crumbled." Replaying the scene in my mind, best breaking every moment she wasn't next to me. But that's my fault, everything is my fault. I'm the reason she's even in here, in a coma....

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