Can I Trust Them?

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"Derek just please remember that if this doesn't work out, we can always run away from it all." I told Derek.

"I know. I'm happy that we got away from him. But I'm nervous. What if we can't trust them? What if they don't like us, or they don't want kids like us with a past as bad as Hell?" Derek asked me.

"I know, I am too." I said truthfully.

"Come here," I said with my arms open for a hug. He hugged me and I said, "I love you. Never ever forget that. Okay?"

Just then someone from child services came in. "Their here," she said.

"Okay. Thank you. You ready for this Baby?" I asked Derek.

"Yeah. I miss mom and dad, Nikki," he said.

"I know you do, and so do I....but I'm so glad that I have you," I told him. But before he got the chance to answer the door opened slowly.

"Hi, I'm Anna and this is my husband Alex. We're your new foster parents. We just want to get to know you better so that we know how our kids will respond to you," Anna told us.

"Okay, well I'm Nikki and this is my little brother Derek," I said.

"Well let's get started," Alex said.

"First off, what's your favorite colors Derek?" asked Anna.

"Mine are orange, red, green, blue, and black," said Derek.

"And yours Nikki?" asked Anna.

"Mine are dark purple, black, red, green, and blue," I sad.

"Okay those are wonderful colors, if I do say so myself," said Anna.

"Pick the color you want to paint your rooms," said Alex.

"We already agreed that we would paint our room white and black," said Derek.

"You do realize that you are not sharing a room right?" asked Alex.

"But we thought that we had to share a room, we always had to. But we don't mind," I said.

"No you don't have to share a room, you can both have your own rooms. It's really not a problem," said Anna.

"Okay... well can my room be orange and red? Please?" Derek asked.

"That is a wonderful idea Derek. And what about you Nikki? Remember any color you want," said Anna.

"My I have my room be black?" I asked.

Alex and Anna exchanged a look and Alex smile, "sure" was all he had to say.

Answers from Heaven and Hellحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن