The part lasted into the wee hours of the morning. They played all of Little Mix's singles and did mashups and remixes of them. The girls even tried to perform Move for us but, they were so drunk they just ended up a giggling mess on the floor.

Some people began to leave and the only people who remained were close friend of the girls. The boys and I, their dancers, their moms, and a few more of their friends, Jesy's boyfriend, and of course the DJ.

"Play a slow song!" Jesy shouted drunkenly to the DJ, "Play one of One Direction's thongs!"

Everyone bursted into laughter.

"I meant songs!" she corrected herself, leaning onto Jake laughing.

He nodded and pressed a few buttons on his computer. Then the intro to Little Things started playing.

I grabbed Jade's hand walked to the middle of the room. I put my arms around her waist and she put hers around my neck. I leaned down and rested my chin on her shoulder. We swayed softly to the music. When my part came I sung it softly in her ear, squeezing her closer to me. I felt her smile against my neck.

I looked up from her shoulder and saw Jade's mum, looking at us with a tear on her cheek. When I met her gaze she smiled at me bringing her hands up to cover her nose and mouth. I smiled back at her and gave her a wink. She gave me wink back and we both started chuckling. I looked around the dance floor and saw Leigh looking up at Harry both in deep conversation, Niall and Perrie's mum, Debbie were dancing slowly to the music. Perrie was with Liam and Jesy was with Jake. I looked down at Jade who was already looking at me.

"I'm very proud of you and the girls," I congratulated, "You were big before but know, you are going to be even bigger!"

"Thank you," she said, "But just think about Drag Me Down coming out next week. You'll be almost as big as us." she teased.

"Then when we get management to let us collaborate, we will be on the same level." I smiled.

"Right." she smiled back at me.

We stayed at the club until about 4:30am. Surprisingly none of us fell asleep. The girls slept all day the day before so they could be wide awake for it. Me and the boys flew in from London so we just slept on the plane. Sadly, we only get only get a couple days off, then we fly to Japan. To make things worse the girls have a performances and promo for their new song so when we see each other the time was going to be slim.

So I plan making the most of it.


May 29, 2015

Perrie's POV

The boys release party for Drag Me Down, was a bit more formal. No shots and bumping and grinding. More like champagne, and talking to people high up in the music business.

Jade and Leigh stayed with their boyfriends for most of the night which left me and Jesy together talking to snobby people in fancy designer dresses. Well us girls were in fancy designer dresses but, we didn't turn our noses up at people who were grabbing more than one hors d'oeuvre off the tray.

Me and Jesy were currently looking for Liam and Niall, deciding it would be better to stay with them than to be stuck with the snobs we were talking to.

"There they are." Jesy pointed.

They were all standing there. Jade under Louis' arm and Harry's arm wrapped around Leigh-Anne's waist. Niall and Liam were standing there also, talking to a man in a suit. When I caught Leigh's eye, she gave me a look of desperation. Slyly she brought her hand up to her neck and pretended to slit her throat. Harry calmly took her hand down and whispered something in her ear. He was smiling and she just nodded her head in...agreement? I'm not sure.

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