Day 139 ∥ 3/?

74 5 7

"Because I can prove that you did."

Takuto looked behind them with half-shut eyes and spoke to the other person behind them in a bored tone.

"Took you long enough." He said, making the third man chuckle.

"Sorry Takuto, your girlfriend won't let me off the hook." Takuto rolled his eyes at that statement. "Yeah sure Takenouchi." Said man laughs at Takuto's expression, before walking in front of the stranger.

"And you are?" The stranger with red hair asked, looking up at the new man.

"Oh I'm Takenouchi. Shun Takenouchi." He grins.

"Kuro Kistune's best friend."

Though the man seemed just slightly fazed by the statement, Takuto started speaking beside him.

"Ishikawa Hinata, 24 years old, and works at the company near mine." Takuto yawns. "Has been a reader since Kuro released her first novel and has been following her for a year now."

Ishikawa tensed slightly and Shun continues for his friend. "Indeed signed up for the mentoring program but had complications with work and thus has been forbidden to leave the country."

Takuto comments with a bored tone. "What a sad life you have..."

"How did you know about that? Isn't that an invasion of privacy?" Hinata states, staying still on his seat.

Shun scoffs at that question, looking up at the glaring sun. "I have the right to look at potential students. I'm one of the people that launched the program, Ishikawa."


Takuto picks his ear before leaning close to Ishikawa, a blank look on his face.

"Now choose, either you give back Kuro's account and surrender yourself to the police." Shun starts.

"Or I'm going to slice your fingers off before handing you over the police for hacking?" Takuto finishes, the blank look replaced by a cunning grin on his face.

Ishikawa looks at the two of them, a cold sweat down his forehead.

"Because Ishikawa, you picked with the wrong account." Shun crosses his arms, a triumphant look on his face.

"Yeah... You don't mess with a Kuro Kitsune." Takuto leans back, the same look of satisfaction on his face.



12:36 | 06/25

hyperventilating is fun

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