Day 122

85 6 4

We're back with the chats, and im turning off my autocorrect jesus

Oh btw phone message this time




Good morning my cute alpaca 💕
✔ sent

I'm in the airport now, since I
needed to board early
✔ sent

Ah i hate waking up early
✔ sent

Can you believe i only slept for
thirty minutes?!
✔ sent

Damn i was having fun writing
that fanfiction too!
✔ sent

(F/n) smiled bitterly to herself and lowered her arm, realizing that Takuto would probably be still asleep, why did she made him come over again? He must be still snoring.

The announcement of her flight boarding made it to the system speakers, she quickly stood up and dragged her luggage to the boarding area.

She looked back curtly, a confused look on her face, she thought someone was calling her. But she didn't see any tuff of blond hair.

Oh god that was so cliché. (F/n) laughed at her self and boarded the plane, taking the window seat beside a random passenger.

Deciding to text Takuto one last time she pulled out her phone and sent it right before the announcement of the plane leaving was made.



Good bye Takuto, see you again.
✔ sent

I love you, okay?
❌ message not sent

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