Day 20

163 19 0

Nope not a reupdate.

---------------- 11:59 P.M. ----------------

TakutoHirukawa Kuro seriously?

KuroKitsune seriously what takkun?

TakutoHirukawa stalkerrrrrrrrr

KuroKitsune am not.

TakutoHirukawa yes you are.

KuroKitsune I'm not. It just so happened that-

TakutoHirukawa -you have me as your wallpaper? (¬_¬;)

KuroKitsune okay you used an emoticon

KuroKitsune I can surely use it again now right? ヾ(´▽`)

TakutoHirukawa (ノ_<。)

KuroKitsune if you put them together you have (ノ_<。)ヾ(´▽`)!

TakutoHirukawa (-_ლ)

TakutoHirukawa I'm going to sleep.

KuroKitsune awww fine. (╥﹏╥) Good night Takkun❤


I'm planning on finishing this story before next year. That's all bye

Notice me Tsuntsun! [✓]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن