Maybe he loves me that much? I'm not sure but what is sure is that he hates me right now.

I heard the door open and the sound of keys dropping onto the table. I went out of the bathroom and saw Luhan passing by as he made his way to the door.

"I'm staying next door." He said and opened the door.

"Wait." I prayed so hard that he wouldn't ignore me. "You can stay."

He turned to me looking completely done with my shit.

"What?" He asked.

"I mean... you-you won't want me to b-be alone in a storm right?"

"But you..." He closed his eyes while he tried to keep his temper, "You said you wanted a separate room."

I bit my lip as the fact that it was my fault started to sink in. I lowered my head in defeat and let out a pathetic chuckle.

"Alright. I'm sorry. Y-you can g-go rest now."

Luhan sighed and went out of the door. I looked at him and to my surprise, he looked back at me.

"I'll just get my pillows and blanket. Wait for me."

When he said this, my heart did a back flip in celebration. I nodded at him and walked back into my room. I sat down but I stood up immediately, anxious that he might have changed his mind and just slept in his room. But then the door opened and there he was, carrying two pillows and a blanket in one arm. I watched him make his way to the bed but as he was about to get on, I cleared my throat making him look at me.

"On the floor." I smiled kindly at him.

"You're kidding me." He said and motioned again to the bed.

"I'm not."

Luhan's POV

I massaged my forehead, trying to control my temper. Eula has been so unreasonable and yet I couldn't do anything but to follow her. We'll be staying alone together for the next eight hours and the last thing I want is to fight with her the whole time.

"Fine." I said and threw my blanket on the floor.

I unfolded it while Eula waited for me, holding my pillows. I snatched them from her and lay grumpily on the cold floor. I didn't even have a blanket now. How could she be this heartless? I shut my eyes and pretended to sleep.

"Are you sleeping now?" Eula asked.

"Yes." I answered.

She fell silent so I opened one eye to peek. She was looking at me from the bed so I closed my eyes again and sighed.

"Do you need anything?" I asked.

"Can you sleep with the lights on?"

"No. Can I turn them off?" I still didn't open my eyes.

"No. I hate darkness."

What the fuck? Was she trying to get on my nerves or something?

"Are you cold?"


"But I only have one blanket."

Holy shit. Make it stop. Seriously. I'm gonna go crazy soon.

"Sleep." I said and turned my back on the bed.

"Okay." She said and I heard shuffling on her bed.

A few seconds later, I felt a warm blanket on me as Eula lay behind me. And then her arm went over my waist in what seemed like a hug. I turned my head to her and saw her face buried in my back. I felt so warm that I placed my hand on hers and kissed it.

Loving Luhan [ #Wattys2016 ]Where stories live. Discover now