Chapter Thirteen

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Percy's POV

I sit up groggily in bed to the very very very very insistent shaking on my shoulder. It was getting really annoying. I slapped the hand away, unable to open my eyes. 

"Five more minutes, mom," I groaned as I fell back to sleep, "Goodnight." 

Instantly, the hand was back on my shoulder. "But Percy," the voice said. I wasn't awake enough to tell you who it was. "Annabeth is coming today." At that, I shot up to the instant giggling of Hermione and Ginny. 

Ginny wiggled her eyebrows, "Someone is excited for the new student. I wonder why that is." 

I shrugged, hoping that the slight tinge in my cheeks wasn't visible. Not just because it would be super embarrassing, but because I can't have them suspecting anything between me and Annabeth. Let me tell you the story of when the people at my high school found out I was dating Annabeth, you know, before I disappeared. The guys were like, 'She's way out of your league!' and random stuff like that. It didn't bother me that much, since, I mean, I already knew that.

 But then the girls were like, 'She's so ugly!' and 'You can do much better than her, Percy!' And guess what happened to them. Two words. Toilet and explosion. Oh, wait. That's three words. Whatever. Yeah. So as much as I'd like to beat the pulp out of Harry and Ron for talking smack about Annabeth, I don't want them to talk smack about Annabeth.

I stood up and stretched, trying to wipe the sleep out of my eyes. The girls left, and I put on my robes and head out the door. As I walked, I twirled Riptide around in my fingers, in pen form of course. It's the best way to let go of all my nervous energy without accidentally breaking something or spasming all the way down the hall, both of which are actually kind of appealing. When I sat down next to Ginny at the breakfast table, my leg wouldn't stop bouncing up and down, and I shoved a continuous stream of bacon down my throat to hide my excitement.

Finally, Harry spoke up. "You eat like a pig, Jackson." 

I grinned at him, the bacon bits in my teeth apparently disgusting him. I swallowed my food and said, "That's ironic, since I'm eating pig." 

Harry couldn't do anything but roll his eyes. Ron, on the other hand, scoffed back, "Only an idiot would say that." 

I took a bunch of fake bows, "Then it's a good thing I'm an idiot." I like to embrace my stupidity. 

Just then, Dumbledore clinked his spoon on his cup and cleared his throat. "Students," he said, "We will be having a student come from America today. She will be sorted into a house and all schedules will proceed as normal. She is a friend of Percy Jackson. Please welcome her in the same way you welcomed him. ANNABETH CHASE!" Then, Wise Girl burst through the door. It took everything I had to not run up to her and kiss her, maybe get judo flipped. You know, like old times. An intake of breath was heard from the entire Great Room.

Nevertheless, Annabeth strode forward confidently, just like always. The hat calmly waited for her to get to the seat, unlike when it threw a tantrum after seeing me. I was very offended that the crummy hat didn't like me. I mean, it's a hat. I've seen evil cereal and a giant face in potty sludge, so honestly, it shouldn't have been surprising. Especially since none of them liked me either. Apparently, I'm not their type. Apparently I'm not Nico's either. Ugh.

As the hat was being lowered to her head, though, it started muttering just loud enough for everyone to hear. "Ooh. Wise, very wise. A perfect choice for Ravenclaw. Hmm, brave and courageous." There was a pause as it dug deeper into her memories. Suddenly, Annabeth's tanned face turned unnaturally pale and her hands clutched the edge of her seat. Then the hat screamed, "Just like Percy Jackson! Are you Americans insane? GRYFFINDOR!" 

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