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"But why should I be sad? I lost someone who didn't love me, but they lost someone who loved them." -Unknown

Caitlin sat there that night, just like she had for so many nights before, playing with the wedding ring on her left ring finger. But for some reason, she wasn't as sad as she was just a year prior. It had been two years since her husband, Ronnie, was killed, and she knew she should be living her life to the fullest, but the feelings of dread and loss she got when her heart opened up made her feel guilty. She thought to herself, her head in her hands. She started to think about Ronnie and what she really love about him. One thing kept coming to mind. These moments when she felt like there was no one, this is what she told herself:
"Death may have taken Ronnie, but it can't take our memories of him. Those sweet beautiful and wonderful memories, those thank god those are ours to keep." But lately, even reassuring herself didn't work. She knew that the light she carried for Ronnie was being extinguished. And, what was worse, a new light began to grow. It grew for someone, who she knew, she couldn't be with. It ripped her heart to shreds just looking at him, and watching him stand confidently, ready to take down anyone who threatened Central City. She couldn't help it, she was in love with The Flash. She was truly, madly, deeply in love with Barry Allen.

She wiped away the tears, and went home at midnight. She found the nearest bottle of alcohol she could find inside, and washed away her feelings with the bitter taste of oblivion. When she reached the bottom of the liquor bottle, she went to her king sized bed. She stripped out of her clothes and got into comfy silk pajamas. The young woman crawled in the big, empty, cold bed, and buried herself under the white fluffy covers. She pulled a pillow to her chest and let the tear drops roll down her cheek onto the fluffy pillow. She slowly cried herself to sleep.

The next morning, Caitlin got up and got ready as she usually did, curling her hair and walking into her empty kitchen to grab something to eat. After she ate, she got into her car and drove to STAR Labs. Caitlin walked into STAR Labs to see Maura and Jane in their super-suits, trying them on.

"You guys look phenomenal." She said kindly, then took a seat at the desk

"I'm gonna write you up for harassment." Jane said.

"I wanna sex you up." Said Maura, then everyone looked at her strangely.

"What? It's an '80s song." Maura said innocently.

"Mhm, sure." Jane smirked back and Maura gasped dramatically and smacked Jane's arm.

"I would never."

"Mhm, sure." Cisco repeated, and everyone became aware of his presence. Moments later, his phone dinged and he quickly looked at it, seeing a robbery at Central City Bank. He called Barry, waiting impatiently for him to answer.


"Robbery at Central City Bank." Cisco said, seconds later a yellow streak zoomed in and out of the room, the Flash suit gone and Barry's clothes were flung across the room.

"Sanitary." Maura commented, crinkling her nose slightly. She picked up his shirt, pants, and socks before folding them and placing them on the desk.

"You two should go, too. Last time Barry barely did it alone." Caitlin said, walking over to her computer.

"Barry did that almost two years ago, his skills have improved-"

"But I'm assuming so have theirs." Jane replied.

"That doesn't matter right now, you two should go!" Cisco said, shooing them.

"Oh, and check the garage, there are some things I've made for you."

Burning Twilght ►A Crossover Book◄Where stories live. Discover now