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"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed." - Carl Jung


Ariella was walking through the street, when she accidentally bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry." She said, kneeling to grab the blue STAR Labs binder that the other person dropped. At the same time, the other person did the same and their hands touched.

"I-I'm sorry." They said in sync, she let him grab his binder and she began to stand up, hitting his head with her own.

"Ow. Sorry." She rubbed her head and stood up. When they both stood up they looked at each other. His jaw dropped at the sight of her, she was probably the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen. She blushed when she saw him, she knew he was no Channing Tatum, but he was certainly cute, very cute.

"I, um, sorry about your head." She said pathetically. He laughed a little at her stumbling over her words.

"It's okay." He replied, it felt like the pain in his head had gone completely numb.

"I'm Ariella." She said, holding her hand out to him.

"Cisco." She bit her lip and blushed again.

"I need to get going," she began, seeing Cisco's face fall.

"I need to get coffee for my friends. But, uh, it was nice meeting you Cisco." She said, seeing the sign for Jitters, which she heard from Michael was pretty good.

"I can go with you!" He exclaimed, then covered his mouth and blushed furiously.

"Okay, I'd like that." The two walked to Jitters and she ordered a black coffee for herself and Cisco, who seemed to know the man behind the counter pretty well, ordered his 'usual'. The two sat at a two-person table, and she looked at Cisco's mug, which smelled like tea, to see a foam Chewbacca. "Chewbacca?" She laughed, taking her coffee and putting it to her lips, taking a sip.

"Hey! It's unique, that's what James over there says anyways." He pointed to the man who was intricately drawing with foam in another person's mug.

"Doesn't that taste like death?" He asked, pointing to the dark brown liquid in her mug.

"It's an acquired taste. And things that are too sweet bother me." She said, his eyes widened and he took a piece of chocolate out from his pocket.

"Chocolate?" She asked, watching as he nodded and opened the wrapper.

"What kind?" She asked, he simply handed her a piece. She rolled her eyes and put the chocolate into her mouth, almost immediately spitting it into the napkin.

"Are you trying to kill me?" She asked, taking the bar from his hands.

"Milk chocolate, really?" She tossed him the bar back and took her own chocolate bar from her bag. She opened the wrapper and told him to shut his eyes and open his mouth, which, for some reason, he did. She placed the dark chocolate on his tongue and he closed his mouth, and gave her a look.

"Dark chocolate is literally more bitter than death." He said, spitting it into a napkin and the two threw them into the trash can near them.

"You're lame." She said, folding the wrapper neatly and putting the bar back into her bag.

"What isn't too sweet for you?" He asked, taking a drink of his tea which had cooled quite a bit.

"Red vines and lollipops." She said, then shrugged as if it were nothing.

"I love red vines and lollipops!" Cisco exclaimed, then he was interrupted by her phone ringing.

"Sorry," she said, glancing down at her phone.

"I should take this, I'll be right back." She stepped down from the tall chair and walked outside to talk on the phone. Not long later, she walked back into the building and sat across from Cisco.

"My friends were wondering where their coffee is." She said, smiling. She walked up to the waiter and asked him to heat her coffee up and put it in a to-go cup, then ordered her friends' coffees. While she was up there, she took a lollipop and a sharpie from her purse and opened the wrapper, writing her number in it and closing the wrapper back. She grabbed the coffees and went back to where Cisco was sitting.

"It was nice meeting you, and talking to you." She said, then gave him the lollipop and said it was a 'friendship gift'.

"And, remember, some lollipop wrappers have riddles in them, don't forget to read it." She said and walked out of the door. She stopped outside and watched him open the wrapper to find her number scribbled in it. She saw him smile and began walking back to the abandoned warehouse. When she got in, she noticed how nice they had fixed it up, and assumed most of the work was done by Chloe, because Chloe was a perfectionist and clean-freak. Sharing a dirty jail cell with her was not fun. She put the coffees on the table and called out to her friends, who walked in to where she was and took their coffees.

"Okay. Now everyone knows we're here, what's our next move?" Ariella asked, putting her cup to her lips. Everyone else shrugged and she rolled her eyes, putting the cup down without taking a drink.

"We are an awful team." She said lamely, looking at the inside of the warehouse.

"I think, we need a change of scenery." She said, everyone gave her a weird look. "We literally just got into this warehouse, and Chloe did everything she could to make it presentable." Sara said, earning a smack on the head from Ariella.

"What we need to do, is make the city as scared as possible. Because then, it will be like we're the monsters, and they are the little children in their homes, crying for their moms and dads." She said as if it were obvious.

"I think I agree. A change of scenery, somewhere in plain sight." Said Sara, and Ariella was already on her new phone that Sara had provided for her, looking for a place on sale.

"There's an amusement park for sale." She said, hearing Sara and Chloe cheer and high-five.

"Do we have the money for that?" Lincoln asked. Chloe and Ariella shared a look and nodded.

"But first, Chloe and I need to take a trip to Illinois."   


Word Count: 1074

Burning Twilght ►A Crossover Book◄Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя