Chapter 3: Remedies

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"Want my ice cream? I think I'm full." Chloe asked.
"Sure." Beca sighed and took Chloe's ice cream off her.
"Thanks by the way." Beca smiled slightly at the red head.
"Thanks for what?" Chloe replied.
"Being there for me. Buying me ice cream. Sitting here with me right now. Agreeing to move in with me. Persuading me to join the Bellas. Invading my shower 5 years ago." Beca giggled and jabbed her ice cream with the spoon.
"You're so cute!" Chloe smirked and wrapped her arms around the brunette.
"Woah. I'm not cute." Beca raised an eyebrow.
"Sure, cutie." Chloe winked and got off the couch.

"It's either How To Be Single, or Just Go With it." Chloe smiled and showed Beca the DVDs.
"Is watching a movie the only way you know how to cure 'Breaking up with someone or taking a break from someone'?" Beca grinned.
"No." The red head replied.
"It's not? What else you got?" Beca asked curious.
Chloe pulled out several bottles of alcohol from behind her.
"I like your thinking." Beca smirked.
"You can do the honours of opening the first bottle." Chloe smiled and handed Beca a bottle of vodka.
"So, we're just going to get wasted?" Beca giggled as she opened the vodka bottle.
"Uh huh." The red head smiled and handed the brunette two cups.
Beca poured vodka into the cups and placed the bottle on the table.
"Cheers." Beca smiled.
"Cheers." Chloe replied and they both drank the vodka.
"Next!" Chloe giggled and poured herself and Beca some more.


"Ooooooooo, I got a game!" Chloe giggled.
"What's t-that?" Beca hiccuped and tried to stand up from the couch but failed and fell back down, causing herself and Chloe to get the giggles.
"Stop laughing." Beca whined.
Chloe continued to laugh until she drank more of her vodka.
"Okay, the game is... TICKLE FIGHT!" Chloe screamed and began tickling the smaller girl.
Beca dropped her cup and fell onto the floor.

"Chlooooooeeeeee! Stop!" Beca laughed as Chloe got on top of her and carried on tickling her.
"Nope." Chloe smirked and continued to tickle the younger girl.
"Chloe! Get off me!" Beca laughed and pushed Chloe off her.
"No! No tickle fights." Beca pointed her finger at the red head.
"Then what?" Chloe asked as she tried getting up from the floor.
"Be right back." Beca giggled and ran off.
"I'm stuck. On the floor!" Chloe giggled as she tried getting up, using the couch to help her.
"I'm up!" She smiled as she eventually got up but suddenly fell down when the lights went out.

"Beca! The lights!" Chloe hiccuped and got up from the floor.
"Hide and seek." Beca called.
"What?" Chloe called back as she put her hands out in front of her and tried walking forward.
"Let's play hide and seek." Beca called again.
"I can't see fuck all." Chloe giggled but soon walked into a wall and fell back.
"I heard that." Beca laughed and got down onto the floor.
Chloe lay on the floor and giggled.
"Stop giggling." Beca laughed again.
Chloe continued to laugh, she couldn't stop herself.
"Chloe. S-stop laughing." Beca giggled and crawled slowly along the floor.
"Yes ma'am." Chloe got up from the floor and put her hands in front of her again.


"Fuck!" Beca cursed as she crawled into the back of the couch.
A few seconds later you could hear the ginger giggle.
"It's not funny, it really hurt!" Beca whined as she backed up and carried on crawling on the floor.
"It's too fucking dark!" Chloe called as she ran her hand along the wall.
"That's the point!" The red head heard Beca call back.

The room was silent until Chloe started laughing.
"What's so funny?" Beca asked as she got closer to Chloe.
"I think I just ninja kicked the plant. I thought it was you." Chloe burst out  laughing and fell back a little but managed to sustain her balance.
"You're a fucking idiot." Beca smirked. She followed the voice of Chloe's until she felt the back of Chloe's shoe.
Chloe jumped up.
"Something just touched me!" Chloe squealed and fell onto Beca.
"Yeah, me! Get off me!" Beca called from underneath the girl.
"Oh, sorry." Chloe got up and slowly walked over to what she thought was the light switch.
Beca lay on the floor laughing.
"I can't find the light switch!" Chloe called as she ran her hands along the wall.
She eventually found it and flipped it on.
"Found it!"
"Holy fuck balls that's bright." Beca squirmed and got up off the floor.
"I can see you!" Chloe waved and ran to Beca.

"No shit Sherlock." Beca rolled her eyes and grabbed the bottle of vodka.
"You're drinking more?" Chloe asked as she sat down on the couch.
"Obviously, you want some?" Beca asked as she took a swig of it and offered it to Chloe.
"No thanks. I'm good."
Beca shrugged and drank more of the vodka.

This was going to be a long night.

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