Chapter 1: The Start

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"You've got all your things right?" Chloe asked as Emily grabbed several travel bags around her.
"I think so." Emily replied nervously.
"It'll be okay. Just, be yourself. You'll be a great leader." Chloe smiled at the younger girl and picked some of her bags up.
"Thanks." Emily smiled back and headed towards the cab outside.
Chloe carried the rest of the bags to the cab and placed them in the trunk. As she headed back to the house she walked past Beca and Jesse, who were having a deep conversation.

Chloe has always had feelings for the small brunette. But she's never admitted it. Well, only to her best friend Aubrey.

"Jesse. I'm going to L.A! Why can't you just accept the fact that I'm moving to do something I actually want to do?" Beca frowned at the boy in front of her.
"Because, I want you to stay here! Be with me. Your boyfriend." Jesse replied.

"Alright! Let's say bye to legacy." Amy ran through the door and joined everyone else outside.
Beca and Jesse looked up and stopped talking.
Chloe shifted closer to Beca and joined her.
"Everything okay?" Chloe whispered as Emily was saying her goodbyes to the other girls.
"Yeah. It's all good." Beca lied.
Chloe nodded. She didn't want to push it.

Emily got round to Chloe and Beca and hugged them both together.
"Bye!" She waved and turned back to the cab.
"Bye legacy!" Everyone said in unison.
The tall brunette got in the cab and waved to everyone as it drove off.
"Well, that's Emily gone. Just Chloe and Beca." Stacie pointed as everyone but Beca and Jesse headed indoors.

"Jesse, you don't get it do you! I'm getting this huge job, my dream job! Why can't you just be happy for me!?" Beca shouted.
"Because I love you Beca and I don't want to be without you." Jesse replied back softly, trying not to get angry.
"This, here, isn't going to work if you can't be happy for me." Beca pointed between them.
"I am happy for you! But you always spend time with Chloe. It's always Chloe. You're moving in together." Jesse growled.
"She's my best friend! If you can't accept the fact that there is nothing going on between us then this won't work. We've had this conversation before!" Beca screeched back.
"Call me when you land. Make sure you call me everyday." Jesse sighed and changed the subject.
Jesse grabbed hold of Becas hands.
"Yeah, whatever." Beca leaned up and kissed Jesse's lips before turning back towards the house.
"Bye!" She called and waved to the boy before heading into the house.

As Beca walked through the door she felt several pairs of eyes land on her.
"Just break it off with him already." Stacie sighed and turned back to her phone.
"No. I love him!" Beca insisted and joined the girls on the couch.
Chloe sat quietly on the end.
"No, you don't." Amy smiled.
"Yes, I do. Otherwise I would break it off with him." Beca snapped back.
"Long distance relationships never work Beca." Aubrey pointed.
"This one will though." Beca replied and leant back against the couch.
"Are you excited about your new job?" Ashley spoke up.
"Hell yeah! A legit music producing company want me! I'm so excited for this." Beca squealed.
"Your cab will be here in 15 minutes Chlo." Stacie looked up at the red head and waited for a response.
"Chlo." Stacie tried again.
"Red!" Amy shouted.
"W-what?" Chloe looked up.
"Your cab." Aubrey giggled.
"Oh, it's here?" Chloe began getting up from the couch.
"No!" Stacie smirked.
"It'll be here in 15 minutes Chlo." Beca smiled at the girl.

Chloe nodded and sat back down.
She didn't want to talk. She wanted to zone out. Hide the feelings she had for the girl.

"I'm going to go see if I've packed everything." Beca said as she got up from the couch and headed for the stairs.
Chloe turned and nodded at Beca.
The brunette headed up stairs, with Chloe not far behind.
"Are you okay?" Beca finally asked as they reached their room.
"Uh huh." Chloe replied and followed Beca into the bedroom.
Chloe shut the door and sat on the edge of the bed.
"What's up with you?" Beca asked as she opened her suitcase.
No reply.
"Chlo!" Beca waved her hand in front of the red heads face.
A single tear rolled down Chloe's cheek as she continued to stare into nothing.

"Chloe? What's up?" Beca sat down next to her and wiped the tear off her cheek.
Chloe turned to face the brunette and stared.
Stared into the beautiful face of her friend.
Her best friend. The one she trusted the most.
But she couldn't tell her what was up.
She just couldn't.
Yeah, they were going to be living together in a big house in LA, but she wouldn't tell her.

She continued to stare at Beca, taking in her beauty. Her perfection.
"Chlo..." Beca said softly, breaking the silence between them.
"Hmm?" Chloe finally made a noise and turned away from Beca.
"Are you okay? Because I've noticed you've been a little checked out lately." Beca frowned.
"I'm fine. You should carry on with your packing. I should also check my bags." Chloe changed the subject and got up from the bed and towards her own luggage.

Beca sighed and turned back to her own suitcase.
A few moments passed, no one was talking to anyone. Just noises of drawers and cupboards opening and closing. Bags being zipped and the clock ticking.
"Beca?" Chloe broke the silence.
"Are you happy with Jesse?"
"Yeah, of course I am." Beca lied and placed her bags in the corner of the room, next to Chloe's.
"Why are you asking?"
"Oh, I was just wondering." Chloe smiled slightly and opened the bedroom door.
"You ready for this?"
Beca nodded and grabbed her bags before heading downstairs.

"I'm always ready."

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