Chapter 17

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She fell asleep with her head against the window, facing upwards towards the sky, something she would pay in a hurt neck later, but something that told everyone who she was.

Riley was a wanderer, a dreamer, and she didn't care who knew that.

When the plane landed, her neighbor woke her up. It was a gentle shake, a weird startle after him being so curt with her the night before.

But the man smiled at her and he there was a twinkle in his eye that made the young twenty-two year old confused.

The old man and her went in separate directions after getting their bags but she remembered him years later. For some reason, the man made her feel like she was home. Like she might've been gone, but that didn't change how NYC felt about her.

It was a long shot, it was a story that Maya would tell her, didn't make sense. That didn't stop Riley.

She walked through the airport her combat boots clicking on the floor her orange suitcase in tow. She searched the crowds for her family. She searched the crowds for him.

His eyes lit up as he saw her. His heart beated faster and harder and with more passion that he had ever felt because this girl, the girl from first grade with the matching dress had been his rock and his muse and everything in between.

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