Chapter 16

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It had been four years. Despite having perfect timing for eleven years of their life, Riley and Farkle couldn't manage to perfect their timing when it mattered most.

They had always just missed each other. Their schedules too hectic and busy to accommodate the other no matter how much they tried. They weren't dating, but they weren't just friends.

They were in a place of limbo. An area of confusion. One that they had been in for years.

It was fall when they kissed. In a way, Riley found it ironic. All throughout her life she had been told that fall had been the season of decay. It had been the season of loss and death and yet, here they were, Riley and Farkle, a light of hope and eternity that fall had never seen before.

She was flying to NYC from London. A year after graduating college to be spent in England, something she had been planning since she was accepted.

She loved it there. She immersed herself in the culture and got a job at a prestigious magazine and she fell in love with a place that still managed to be second to NYC.

The plane was cramped at best. The people were rude at best. But she kept her window open, even when people told her to shut it. It was night, it didn't matter.

The stars helped her sleep. She would look at them, and trace them with her fingers and know that Farkle was looking at them too. She could look at the North Star and know that maybe if she followed it, it would lead her home. It would lead her to him.

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