“No you wouldn’t have,” Jason  retorted.

“I would!” She snapped back.

“You don’t have it in you. From what I could tell,” he started towards her “you loved your old man very much and even though he was living a secret life that you knew nothing of, you’d be angry but you wouldn’t love him any less.”

Machayla stared him down and scoffed. “Oh, shut up Jason!” The romance between the two withered and died for the moment as she took her frustrations out on him again. “What do you know anyways? Your father didn’t betray your trust.” She didn’t want, didn’t need him to tell her what she would’ve or wouldn’t have done because even she didn’t know what she would’ve done if her father was alive and she’d found out he was the biggest drug lord this part of the country have had in at least a decade.

The space between his brows wrinkled as he scowled. “No, my dad didn’t but if you had any brothers or sisters, you’d know that the feeling is all the same.” He turned on his heels and started towards the front door.

She bit out a curse under her breath but didn’t move a muscle to follow him inside and question him about how Drake could’ve betrayed him. She honestly didn’t want to at the moment. She needed time to think, time to let the fact that her dad was a criminal sink in.

Machayla couldn’t believe what her life had become and all because of Malcolm Daniels stupid decision to give her a freaking deed to inherit. What the hell was the deed for anyways? She wondered. And why did Aiden want it so bad that he’d go that far to get it?

‘Daddy, what did you do?!’

She wanted to know how he’d done it. How he’d spend so many years doing these drug smugglings that he was never caught. Not only that but she wanted to know why her father was set up and killed by Lieutenant Aiden Parks. What was the deed for? Where did the money, that Sabrina Gaynor told them over the phone less than ten minutes ago, come from?

After Drake instructed Dennis to do a background check up on her father they’d found nothing, at first. She was quite satisfied about finding nothing. Unfortunately, Drake and the others weren’t and decided to hack the DEA’s system where records of all investigations were being held but they came up short. It wasn’t up until Victor, suggested that they do a name search instead of a crime search that they started seeing piles and piles of investigations with no leads that were forced to close that they’d found what they –excluding Machayla—was looking for.

Malcolm Daniels was a suspected in tons of crimes that went on in not only South Florida was majority of the Eastern states. His name was conspicuously popping up in almost every high stake drug cases that went on around this neck of America. Unfortunately for the investigators, her father was always two steps ahead of them and threw dirt on where he shitted.

“Do you think that he was Chris Gaynor’s supplier?” Tabitha had asked.

“No,” Dennis answered. “He was too smart to have let his consumers know who their provider was. If Chris was a consumer, then the only way he would’ve known about Malcolm is if he researched it or was told and from what I’ve read about Chris, he wasn’t all that smart…” Dennis trailed off and he faced Machayla with uncertainty. “I could be wrong about this but I think your father was set up.”

By then, Machayla was beyond being sad and quickly on her way to being pissed off but she held it all in. “Look up Sabrina Gaynor. Try a number or an address but find her.” It took less than five minutes for Dennis to find Sabrina who now resided in Daytona.

“Did you find a number?” She asked Dennis.

“Two actually.”

Machayla’s breath caught in her throat. ‘What now?’ She didn’t think that she had enough guts to call the wife of her father’s killer. Would she cry, yell or even threaten the woman? She didn’t know. All she wanted was to have all this behind her so she could move on with her life, with Jason – if he wanted her.

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