♡2♡ Recovery

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Your POV
Walking down the stairs, I can't help myself from contemplating my current situation.

It is indeed inevitable for me to doubt myself since it is just my first time. I wonder if I did the right choice... Oka-san, I miss you. I hope you were here, I want you to see how far I reached. Please continue guiding me from above...

A sudden voice was heard, interrupting my train of thoughts. "Excuse me, can you please introduce yourself?"

"Hai! I apologize for the nuisance that I had caused. I'm (L/N) (Y/N), it is my pleasure to meet you." I responded with a graceful bow.

Out of no where, a guy with fedora appeared, sitting on the couch with a playful smirk. "Nfufu~~ My, my... My brother must be lucky to be nursed by a beauty like you. I wouldn't mind getting hurt next time~~~ I'm Laito, Doll-chan!"


"I apologize on behalf of my ill-mannered brother." He bowed 90 degrees perfect. "I'll be introducing each and everyone for formalities. That is Shu, the eldest." He pointed to the blonde, who was sleeping soundlessly on the couch. "My name is Sakamaki Reiji, the second son." He placed his right hand over his left chest. "Then, the triplets are: Ayato, the one upstairs who had just caused a ruckus, Kanato, and Laito. Lastly, Subaru, the youngest." Reiji said, almost as if reciting; his voice was very monotonous.

"No need for apologies and it is nice meeting you all! Your brother, Ayato, isn't a bother at all, it is my responsibility as the school nurse anyway." I casually replied, trying to make myself look comfortable.

The light purpled hair with a child-like appearance gave me a creepy smile, whilst clutching on a teddy bear. "Ne Teddy, doesn't she look too young?"

"That's exactly what most people say since I am j-just 19." I shyly revealed my age.

Reiji's POV
I must admit, this lady is well-mannered. Not only that, being able to graduate and enter Ryoutei Academy as a nurse at the age of 19 is interesting...

Gesturing her to sit on the couch, I started a serious conversation. "If you don't mind, please explain everything you know with regards my idiotic brother."

"Well, I had been exploring the night school when I saw your brother having a serious fight against a certain student." She gave me a vague reply.

I asked, eyes narrowing. "Do you happen to remember any details?"

"Ummm, give me a moment..." She tilted her head and tapped her chin twice before dropping the information. "As much as I could recall, he has a short ruffled hair colored with black on top and white on the tips."

That must be...

Subaru punched the wall, resulting to a giant dent. "Tch, that damn Mukami! Not that I care about what he did to that bastard, but just by hearing anything about that brat racks my nerves."

"Are you fine?" Instead of feeling intimidated from Subaru's sudden violent act, she rushed towards him.

He immediately pulled his hand away from her, looking clearly annoyed. "You don't give a damn!"

"That's what you say, but are you sure it doesn't hurt? Please don't do that, I don't want you to hurt yourself." Her face clearly showed worry, but soon turned into a gentle smile.

He looked to the side, brows furrowing, but a visible pink tint was brushed on his cheeks.

I cleared my throat, sending a glare to the chuckling Laito. "I humbly ask for pardon. It is unnecessary to see such a disgraceful act, we are indeed indebted to you."

"No worries, I'm fine with it." Waving both of her hands in the air, she tried to convince me. "Oh, I just want to tell everyone that Ayato needs plenty of time to recover. I am sure he'll be fine soon, but if anything happens, contact me." She handed me her card. "Thank you for having me today! I believe I must get going, please excuse me." She stood up, bowing once again.

Before she could leave, Laito spoke seductively. "A lady like you mustn't walk alone at night. Do you want me to have you?"

"Thank you for the offer, but I don't want to be a bother to anyone. No need to worry, I'll be fine." She shook off his offer pleasantly in the most possible way.

Shu lazily sat up from the couch, eyes closed. "I'll...go... with you."

"It is very much unusual for a good-for-nothing like you to make an offer." I sent him a deathly glare.

What is he up to? Don't tell me he had taken an interest to this lady.

"It's too troublesome to argue..." The deadbeat opened one of his eyes, staring at her, waiting for an answer.

She ended up complying, earning a pout from Laito. "*sigh* If you insist. Thank you so much Sakamaki-san!"

"Just call me Shu... we are of the same age." He mumbled.

"Okay, Shu!" She waved her hands once more, signifying good bye.

On the other side...
Yui's POV
My head is pounding, feeling lightheaded from too much blood loss that I can barely breathe. Even if this is the situation that I am in, I don't care even my life is on the line. I need to continue on giving my blood. I'll do whatever it takes just to save Ayato. This time, I'll make him see me not just a blood bag, but someone who he could rely on.

Ayato's POV
Wait a little longer, I'll be able to find you soon and make you mine...

I may like Ayato, but it doesn't necessarily mean that the whole story will revolve around him. His injury was just an introduction for me to start the planned plot. If you are sick and tired of him, don't worry because my next chapter will contain Subaru and Shu's POV.

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