Chapter 1 - Holden

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My name is Holden Dippledorf. I know, I sound like a hobbit or something. Anyway, my uncle died. and That affected my mother deeply, causing her to become...aloof.

At last, she said, "Holden, sweetie. Have you seen the bronze giraffe?"

I shook my head. "If I'd seen it, you'd have too. I mean, how could you miss something like that?"

She nodded and sighed. "I know. But please, honey. Could you go around the neighborhood?"


I went by four or five houses, then at last I stopped at the yellow colored one. I took a deep breath and knocked. For about fifteen seconds, no one responded.

Until finally, an extremely pretty girl opened the door and said, "Hello, officer! Oh-haha. You're not the police."

She was about to close the door on me just as I realized that this was Liv Rooney, and I put my hand on the door and said, "Wait, Liv. It's Holden Dippledorf from across the street."

"WE DIDN'T STEAL ANYTHING!" Mrs. Rooney squealed, rushing to the door.

I smiled uncomfortably.

Liv suddenly said, "Oh! Holden! Yes! Hungry hungry Holden who used to eat paste! I thought you went to..boarding school."

She recognized me. I sighed and smiled. "Well, I'm back for the weekend, and I've cut my paste consumption way down."

The Rooney women laughed.

"Anyway, my mom sent me over to see if you guys seen a giraffe statue around anywhere?"

"Why would we know anything about a giraffe. It's NOT LIKE WE STOLE IT!" Mrs. Rooney said, sounding suspiciously like she did.

"'Course you didn't, but you know how she is, and she's watching me right now, so just violently shake your heads no, and I'll be on my way."

They shook their heads way more violently than I meant.

"Okay, okay! Not that violently. Don't want you to hurt yourselves."

"We'd sure hate to ruin your mom's big blowout party." Mrs. Rooney looked at me.

"We're not throwing a party." I corrected her.

And so on. I told them it was a wake. And they looked shocked. And I told them about my uncle.

And afterwards, when they closed the door, I thought, "I'm glad I didn't give her back her Goodbye Puppy Pen."

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