Chase-A-Rooney (Holden's POV)

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Okay, I am apparently not a very good fan-fiction author.


After a moment of consideration, I knew what I needed to do.

I grabbed my shoes, opened the door, and ran out.

I'm sorry I left you guys on a cliffhanger and never came back to finish that, but I learned from the best (Shannon Messenger).

Anyways, let's get on with it.


I'd ruined what we barely had. I had destroyed what was as fragile as a snowflake with a hammer. Okay, maybe not, but still. Let a guy be miserable.

As I hailed a taxi, I wondered if there would ever be a day she'd fully forgive me for breaking up with her. As valid as my reasons were, I'd hated to hurt her, but it had to be done. She had no place in her life for me, it seemed. I was never a priority.

As I got into a cab, I sighed. I knew we would be on friendlier terms one day, but it wasn't today. As I closed the door, I barely heard the faint shout of a voice that was unmistakably Liv's: "Wait, Holden!"

"Where t-" the cab driver said as I opened the door and jumped out. I practically ran in the direction of Liv's voice. My heart was speeding up in excitement. I could see her getting closer and closer until I realized...

It was Maddie.

I stopped at a halt. As she walked towards me, my shoulders slumped.

"How are you doing, buddy?" Maddie said teasingly. "You know, Liv's behind me. I don't know what kind of shoes she's wearing, but they're not working for her."

I stood up straight. Really?

"By the way, what do you think of my imitation of Liv?" Maddie joked.

"Not funny, Maddie.....Okay, maybe a little."

I started to walk again towards Liv, who I saw a few moments later, limping in her...very stylish shoes.

(now, if this were Disney, and it was from Liv's POV), there would be applause and yadda yadda)

"Holden..." she started. "I've really thought about it, and...I want us to be together. I know, I know, that's not what you can for, but if you're willing to give us, as a couple, a chance, then I'm here. Literally."

Oh, her naïveté. I, a guy, not looking for more than a friendship with Liv? As if. I would always disguise my wants to settle for less, but if she was willing to give us another shot, then I wasn't complaining.

"I'd love that, Liv," I said, smiling so hard that I probably looked like the McDonald's Happy Meal Logo. I swooped her in for a hug, ignoring Maddie's snickers.

This truly was a dream come true again. It might not have been as swift as I had hoped, but at least my goal had been attained.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2017 ⏰

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