~Twenty Seven~

318 19 15

^Lisa above

*One day after*

"Are you sure he even wants to do this?" Ajala whined from behind the shuttered door of the department store. She had heard from Lisa, who had grown to become her new girl best friend, that Marshall wanted to ask her to the ever popular Winter Formal. It was a substitute for Homecoming but it was the most popular dance at Lincoln High.

He had been quiet on their budding relationship since the "I can't date you ordeal" and he refuses to speak to Ajala, which made the whole thing harder to believe. The entire school was gossiping about them though Ajala didn't care.

"He's never been more sure of anything is his dang life! Now let me see it." Lisa dead panned.

Ajala had grown to appreciate herself for how she looked, which aided in her in getting over Lisa's gorgeous chocolate eyes, reassuring smile, quick wit, long dark hair and petite but curvy figure.

Ajala spun around in front of her girlfriend, her puffy locks clouding around her. The dress was a stunning sleeveless cerulean number with numerous diamonds glued around the bodice. It concealed her feet and she felt like a chubby Cinderella.

"Ooooh Ajala, that dress is workin' on you!" Lisa exclaimed, rushing over and stroking the smooth satin fabric.

"Who are you going with?" Ajala said, pleased with herself but still curious.

"Eazy E, stop with the questions." Lisa said, rolling her eyes. She had a love for Eazy E that exceeded most long term marriages. Her sister Karolina had met him whole in California and it pissed her off to no end.

"Alright, fine." Ajala said, paying for the two hundred dollar dress with some of her summer job money. Lisa squealed. The dance was the next night and it terrified her. Lisa dropped her off at home, leaving Ajala to her thoughts.

Ajala came back home hiding the dress behind her prior to throwing it under her clean bed. Nation came in, quizzical.

"Remember that time when you came home super late and super ugly and I let you in through my room? Where's the pay off?" He said, hands on his hips and clearly angry. That was night she was at Marshall's house, leaving him for her fears.

"Um, look. I'll give you candy. Like mad candy after tonight. You'll get so fat you'll hate me, I swear." She said, patting her brothers head before he walked out, satisfied.

Then Ajala showered, ate her corn and fried chicken dinner and went to sleep, dreams of the next day in her mind.


The next day at school was the most boring but swift day of her life. She came home with Lisa and the dress tucked away in her purple backpack. She told her mother she was going over Lisa's to study, a favorite excuse of hers. Things about the Damien home and the Connery home strangely similar.

When Ajala entered the small, but well decorated house , she expected to be greeted with  yelling adults, an annoying older  sister and loud TV's. That's how Lisa described it anyway.

The house smelled of breads and meat as a small, chunky woman with a graying bun swirled a cream mixture into a pan. The man, Ajala assumed her husband, sat watching the television on an olive green sofa with his balding dark head to them.

"Lisa Brooklyn! You home?!" The lady at the stove yelled in a thick African accent. Lisa gave a loud response before walking away.

A tall girl, had to be at least 6'2, strutted throughout the house in a Whitney Houston shirt with a Walkman on, long black curls everywhere. Looked identical to Lisa other than her height. The infamous Karolina Connery.

"Yo, Li, who's ya friend?" She asked. Lisa introduced Ajala before quickly taking her up the narrowest stairs ever.

Lisa's room had lavender paint, not that you could see anyway because of the shrine of model, Eazy E and NWA posters. She had a large floral bed and a TV plus boom box. She reached under her bed, pulling out a big red tool box.

Upon opening, it had so much makeup supplies, it made Ajala's brain hurt.

"Time to beat your sexy face." Lisa declared before doing just that.

After seemingly an hour of plucking, poking and prodding, Ajala's face sported a luscious layer of thick crimson lipstick, glimmery cerulean eyeshadow, fake eyelashes, diamond earrings. Lisa then did her own face with black eyeshadow, light pink blush and pink lipstick.

Then came the hair. Ajala's mass of black took an hour to straighten and tame. Whilst, Lisa talked about how excited Marshall was. Ajala half listened, too concerned with how much she had changed. And how good it was.

Lisa tied half her hair up into a bun and with about a million Eazy E's watching them, she helped Ajala into her dress and Ajala put on her black heels with a diamond backing. She definitely felt like a queen. Together, they jammed out to Eazy Does It, smiling before falling back on Lisa's bed.

"Ready to go, Leigh-Leigh?" She said before her friend nodded. Lisa stood her up, closed down her bedroom, leaving the shrines behind.

"Lisa Brooklyn!" Her mother cried, watching Ajala down the stairs, dress floating behind and in front of her. She felt so beautiful and so full of love, she could have kissed her makeover instructor.

Karolina, who was a sophomore in college but living at home, smiled at Ajala and asked if Lisa was going to change from her dark brown shirt and Lee's. To which, she replied with a wink.

Her dad got the video camera and took so many pictures, Ajala's head ached afterwards. Lisa's mother and father kissed Cinderella's finally going to the ball.

Haha, suck it Faith, Ajala thought.

But as Mrs. Connery opened the door, everything was transformed. The sky, which was cloudy was filled with golden light.

The stubby walkway was golden lit complete with a waiting DeShaun and Crisps. At the end of the whole walkway, sat a black limo. DeShaun was in a tuxedo, dreds tamed and in a bun behind him. Crisps walked with Lisa.

Crisps pulled open the limo and not to Ajala's surprise at Marshall Mathers. His brown hair was pressed down to his head different from the usual, eyes sparkling with love for her and in his hands held a note.

Lisa dashed back into the house for a few minutes while everyone got inside the spacious limo which was trimmed in neon blue lights. The song "Me, Myself and I" was blasting throughout the limousine.

She returned in a short but classy fuchsia dress as DeShaun helped her in. As everyone's parents waved them off, Ajala beamed internally, heart pumping inside her. Marshall grabbed her face and locked lips with her before DeShaun clapped loudly over De La Soul, prompting it to stop.

"Aight, so. I have an announcement to make for you guys. Me-me and Lisa are going out." DeShaun said, leaning over to kiss his girlfriend. Ajala was shocked! She had never even heard Lisa talk about DeShaun in a romantic light.

"And I have another announcement to make." Marshall swooped in, stealing the show.

"I am officially dating Ajala-Leigh Damien whether or not her parents approve. Love you, baby." Marshall said, kissing her before handing her a chunky black tape.

"So, what do you say?!" Lisa squealed from across the way with DeShaun's wrapped around her waist.

"I, I say... YES!" Ajala blurted, fully aware and happy about her decision. DeShaun clapped again, the song started over and everyone began jamming out to De La Soul on their way to the Fall Formal.

It would be one of Ajala's greatest memories and worst mistakes...

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