The Death of a Bachelorette.

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(It's been quite a while, but exams are done, work has resumed and summer is already in full swing, so I suppose I should quit procrastinating and return to my written work. So here you have it. Warts and all. And believe me there's probably a few stupid errors but it's a work in progress and you'll know what I mean, you're clever homo sapiens.)

"So let me get this straight..." Lara paced in font of the alter, rubbing her face out of disgruntlement.

She paced about at the alter, where Daryl and Tyreese had just finished dismantling the organ of its pipes. The group had finished boarding up the church, specifically to protect Carl and Judith, and whoever else was to stay behind.

Now they had gathered, preparing their rescue mission of Carol and Beth. Thanks to Noah's information, they had a better chance of getting the girls out alive. There was just one small problem that Lara had with the plan.

"You..." She pointed at Rick, "...want me to stay here?" She asked outrageously, her tone full of malice and anger at the mere thought of being left out of such a vital mission.

Rick sighed, rubbing sweat from the back of his neck he began, "Lara-"

"No!" She interjected, "Don't Lara me. Those punks have fire power. They have the numbers. They have clockwork shifts of lookouts. They have strategy and protocol. They are prepared for threats. Not to mention they have our girls. Our people. That's our God damn family in there!" She spat, pointing out the window vaguely.

Father Gabriel fidgeted at her use of the Lords name in such vain, "Do you mind-"

"You haven't the RIGHT-" she began to roar, pointing her finger accusingly at him, before Daryl but her off.

"Lara, stop!" He stepped forward, in front of Rick, facing her. Rick raised his eyebrows and took a step back and tilted his head so that he could see past his friends shoulder to Lara's expressionistic face.

Lara look startled as she blinked wildly at the man before her. She waited quietly for his possible explanation, lowering her hand slowly.

"You need to stay here. You have to protect Carl and Judith." He reasoned.

"They'll have Michonne here-"

"She needs protecting too-"

"Excuse me?" She sneered, harshly.

"-Safety in numbers-"


"We've lost enough people already, Lara, I can't lose you too!" Daryl shouted at her, stepping forward in anger.

Lara's mouth hung open, slowly closing as she watched the man gather himself and add,

"We can't lose you too." He said awkwardly, as if he were correcting himself.

Lara caught a glimpse of Rick over Daryls shoulder, just as he smirked and looked around the group at the expressions of others that seemed akin to his own.

"No more arguments." Rick drawled to her, as Daryl broke his gaze with her and stepped out of the way, storming out of the church.

Lara's eyes remained fixed on his back, even as Fergus padded along behind him without her instruction to do so.

"You stay here. We need you alive. We can handle this." Rick told her as he rocked Judith gently in his arms and turned toward the door, making his way out after Daryl, with the rest of the group close behind him.

Both Eyes Open - Daryl Dixon (under editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora