Amulet's Powers

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(Any... time complications... that apply in Diaries do not apply in this book. You'll see why.)

We had waited around for several hours to get ready, and finally, Lucinda called us all into the living room. We got into a line, Lucinda in front to use her magiks to get us all into our dresses and costumes. I was fifth, so I had to wait a minute or two. My dress was a reddish-purple, and I had a pearl necklace, earrings, and bracelet. My hair was made slightly wavier than normal, and I had black heels on. The dress fit nicely, and had lace sleeves that went just under my elbows. "Are we ready to head out?" Lucinda asked everyone when she was done. I took a deep breath, processing what was going to happen tonight, and nodded, as did everyone else. I got into the car with everyone else going to the opera house, and we started driving there. We were silent the whole way there, going over what we had to do in our heads. We also all had our ear pieces in for communication, but we couldn't talk loud; it had to be a whisper. As soon as Zane is spotted, Zoey would be teleported to that place by Lucinda, but if Lucinda wasn't in that place already, she'd have to teleport there herself first. We first dropped people off who were going to the awards ceremony, and then headed to the opera house. The cars both had a few going to the opera house, and a few going to the awards ceremony. We pulled in, and got out of the car. We walked in separately, and slightly spread out so that no one would suspect us for anything- just to be safe. I got in, and took a moment to look around, and take it all in. The architecture in this place looked great, and it was really big, too. The ceiling was very tall, which was probably a good thing. If Zane is here, there'll probably be some combat that's not exactly on the ground. I walked into the crowd, where I'd be less likely to be noticed. The place was crowded enough that the place was just big enough to hold everyone, but it was also open enough so that one can easily move around. I decided that I'd look out of place if I kept looking around, so I took a break from that to head to the snack tables. I might as well have a small snack, right? I saw fruits, chocolate covered fruits, chocolate, macaroons, a lot of fancy looking treats. They were mainly chocolates and fruits, though. I picked up a chocolate covered strawberry and ate it- it was really good. I subtly scanned the place, but I couldn't seem to find anything. Fifteen minutes later, the music started. I continued scanning, and then someone said something into our earpieces: "Hey, everyone... I see Zane." It was Kaetlyn. "Where is he?" Garroth asked. "He's on the third balcony, in the middle of the west side." she informed us of his location. Then came a silence where everyone in the opera house started looking. "I see him." I reported, pressing on the earpiece to record my voice. He was up where Kaetlyn had said. "Coming, then I'll teleport Zoey to me." Lucinda updated us. I kept my eye on Zane while waiting for Zoey to let us know that's she's here. But as I was doing so, Zane looked down, seeming to be scanning the bottom level, and then spotted me. Zane and I had eye contact for a moment. "Aphmau! He saw you." Laurence warned me over the earpiece. "I noticed," I muttered. Zane looked behind himself, back at me, then turned around to move away. "Guys, let's move in." Vlyad said. I slowly started to move towards the stairs, so I could go up to his level. As I approached the stairs, I saw Garroth hurriedly running up them. "Oh my Irene, he's going to get noticed..." I whispered to myself. I fast walked behind him, but not too noticeably. "Guys, just an update, if Zane drops the amulet, people get hurt. Also, everyone in the area he sets off the amulet comes with him. He sets off the amulet, people also get hurt. Our only option is to get it." Vlyad told us through the earpieces. "What?! What if he takes us with him?!" Kaetlyn asked. "He might take more than just us..." Vlyad replied. "On it." Garroth said urgently though the microphone. I looked up, and I saw that Garroth was already on the third floor with Zane, following him. He was going between jogging and walking. Eventually, he stuck to a jog. "Garroth, wait!" I said through the microphone, but I knew he wasn't going to stop. I started jogging up the stairs, and I finally reached the floor. I pushed through the crowd, and then stopped when the crowd did. I stood there for a moment to see what Garroth was going to do. "Don't switch, don't switch..." I said under my breath, even though he wouldn't hear me. Garroth and Zane had went through a door with a small rectangular window on it, and it said that it was the janitor's closet. I looked through the window to see how it played out. Garroth had Zane pinned against a wall, and then he grudgingly let go. He was going to try to take the amulet, or stall for Zoey to get here. Hopefully, both... I had a feeling that if he was going to take the amulet, it wouldn't end well. "I'm here, but the barrier will take a few minutes to form." I went over to the edge for a moment to see if I can spot her. I saw the light in her hands in the middle of the first floor, and an almost invisible glassy barrier forming slowly. Just then, when I was leaning over the fence on the end of the level, I felt a pressure on my back, and I was pushed over the side of the floor. I didn't yell or anything, that would draw attention. That didn't matter, of course, though, because I was hanging on the fence with a reddish-pink haired woman with bright blue eyes looking down at me, smirking. Wait... I knew that face.... IVY?! "Good luck not falling!" she said, almost happily, then walking away. I couldn't transform yet, Garroth and Zane were both still in the- Just as I was thinking that, I heard a banging, which was the door to that room opening hurriedly. Garroth was chasing Zane around the hall, and the amulet was in Zane's hand. Zane slowly edged towards the fence, and past me. Eventually, he stood there, and Garroth stopped. He held the amulet over the side. If he let go, it would fall down and explode on everyone.... "Almost done..." she told us. "Well, hurry up!" Laurence pitched in; he must have seen us all up here. Making sure I had a firm grip on the fence, I saw him running up the stairs. 'Congratulations, Aphmau! You and your group have the entire opera house's attention now!' I thought to myself. I saw eyes looking up at us, a few people gasping when they saw me. Laurence was trying to go through the crowd to me, unseen by Zane, but it wasn't working out. Ivy, who had tried to push me off was blocking the way. Just then, I saw the amulet drop from Zane's hands. Time slowed down. "NO!" Laurence, Garroth, and I yelled. I had to stop it. I took a quick deep breath, and let go of the fence. Right before I lost sight of that level, I saw Laurence kick the woman down onto the ground, and sprint towards the end where I'd let go. "APHMAU!" he yelled, his arm reaching down. I felt the wind on my back, and I swiftly turned so that my stomach faced down. The amulet was falling just below me, and to the right a little. I had some time, the third level was pretty high up. I quickly reached out my hand for the amulet, and a purple light formed around it, glistening. It stopped in mid air- it was levitating- but I couldn't keep focus on it when I was falling, so it only stayed there for a while. It kept on falling, only this time, I was below it by a few yards. The crowd had cleared from the entire area below the scene, except Lucinda. She stood at the end of the crowd at the inside of the circle's perimeter, her staff out. She pointed it at the amulet, and now a blue light appeared around it, and it stopped. But I still felt the wind, I was still falling. It was at that exact moment when I realized that I was not far from the ground. I was in panic, and I didn't know what to do at all. I turned back onto my back, looking up, smiling at Garroth and Laurence, and right before I hit the ground, my wings emerged, and I floated in the air above the ground, one foot up. I heard Lucinda mutter "Nice." then laugh for a second under her breath. I now knew where I knew why to do that: that one day, when we were training, I had jumped off that tree, and my wings saved me from crashing- of course, that was intentional, though, while this was not. I flew back up to get the amulet, but I also saw Zane rushing to get it- he had transformed. We both stopped, each of us on one side of the amulet. We stayed there, still and silent, for a moment. A small flash appeared by me, and also everyone else who was in our group, so we were in our outfits. We didn't have our masks for this one, except for my green scarf. "I say..." Zane began. "That... We settle this in a nice little fight." he suggested. I smirked, and we flew slightly higher. First, everyone on our side came behind me, except for Zoey, and then everyone on Zane's side came. We had seven, and he had seven. It was an even fight. I only recognized three of them on Zane's side, though. Zane, of course, Ivy, and then Lillian. Lillian... I have not seen her for a very long time. She had blue eyes, not as pale as Zane's, but not as aggressively colored like Ivy's. Her eyes were closer to Garroth's shade. She had black hair, and used a scythe as a weapon. She wore a well made combat outfit, as well as leather combat boots. We rose above the amulet, and to the middle of the single room. "Then let's go." I said, grimly. We had quite some distance between each other, so we flew faster than ever towards each other. Zane and mine's swords clashed, and we put on more and more pressure. We were nose to nose at this point, and then I pushed back off his sword. We then came back and clashes yet again, the sound of crashing metal surrounding me. His sword went up, down, up, side to side, the back up. Zane held his sword with two hands above his head, wound up, and he very quickly brought it down on my head, but I was too fast. My sword practically flew up to block it, but keeping it there was the hard part. Time seemed to slow down yet again, I pushed against his force, trying, sweating. I heard the sound of police car sirens fading into existence in the area. They couldn't do anything, this wasn't their fight. Even if they shot at us, they couldn't. Thankfully, Zane gave up, but then, he kicked me backwards through the air, and... he broke the rules. Of course he did. He flew up towards the still floating amulet, and grabbed it. "Guys...!" I said slowly, my voice only raised a little. The sound of swords immediately stopped. "I paused the game, didn't I! Well, let's use this break to do this!" A light in the amulet started to glow, and kept glowing. Brighter and brighter. Zoey's barrier was complete by now, though, so it looked like it was only us tagging along for the ride. Soon, the light grew so bright, that I couldn't see anymore. As soon as it reached its peak, the sound of church bells appeared. Every other second. Bong. Bong. Bong. Bong. The light faded. As soon as I could see again, I knew that we weren't in the opera house. In front of us was a huge quartz building, with a purple symbol on the top
part. It was the symbol of Irene. (In this book, in order for the plot line to work, I took out the 'time effect' of the Irene dimension, or the one minute there is a year on earth) We were in the Irene dimension. "Zane is bound to be inside. We need to go." Aaron said. We walked in, and saw Zane standing on top of a quartz alter. He was looking at something, but I couldn't see what it was. I may not know what it is, but I know that it must be what he came here for. I heard him say: "Hold them back." The other people who took his side sprinted towards us, and we ran to them, but as I reached the middle of the room, I stumbled. At first I had no clue why, but then I felt a very strong presence. It was close, too. The only thing here that it could be was... whatever Zane was standing by. I didn't realize that I wasn't moving, so Vlyad asked if I was okay. "... Yeah, I'm fine." I replied. Just then, a quick flash came from in front of Zane, then in front of me. "What?!" Zane and I said at the same time. I now saw what was in front of me- it was a single, burning, orange flame, with a red gem in the center. Wait... What was it doing in front of me, of all people here?! "No...! You can't be her!" Zane yelled. I backed up from it, afraid of what it was, or what it could possibly do. Even though I was backing up, the flame went forward to me, almost as quick as lightning, and...?! Did it go inside me?! "NO! I will get that relic, even if I have to rip you apart to get it's power!" Zane was furious at this. Wait, that thing was a relic. That was the last thing I heard before I stumbled back, and fell back. My hands stopped me from falling all the way onto my back. At that moment, I couldn't see anything else- it was the first vision I have had since I discovered these powers in the first place. I saw a woman- she actually looked oddly, exactly like me... She wore a white dress, and a navy blue cloak over her, with golden trim on the edges of the fabric. I've seen pictures that looked similar to this somewhere before. They were all in books about the same thing. This was the outfit that Irene wore... Why was I seeing her, though? I then saw a slideshow of pictures of her, and for the first time in a vision, a voice talked to me. Then, a woman appeared. She had blue eyes with a hint of purple, and wore a light purple  hood, so I couldn't see her hair well. She introduced herself as Hyria. She claimed that she knew Irene, that she knew... me. She then said something that I refused to believe, not for one second. You are Irene. But... That's impossible! She died such a long time ago! Hyria told me that she didn't die, she just went to sleep until someone woke her up. She did not die, either. She told me of how she lost her feeling, so she actually chose to go to sleep. When she woke, she wouldn't remember anything. She also told me of the other Divine Warriors, their reincarnations, everything about her that only the closest to Irene knew. The closest to me. This was just all coming to me so fast... I didn't know what to think, I don't know what to think. "I must leave now." she said, rather bluntly. "But- Wait! You can't leave now, I-" Before I got to finish my sentence, a white flash came. She was gone, and I was back in the Irene dimension, on my knees on the floor. It had seemed that I went back to normal when I was... talking to that woman. I was no longer in my form with my wings or sword. It also seemed as if no time has gone by here. Zane was still running towards me, and it took me a moment to realize that he wasn't coming to chat- he was going to kill me, I stumbled to get up, but found myself backing up on the floor. I slowly started to turn away when I managed to get up, and started to run as fast as I could, but I knew that I was the one that couldn't leave at the time now. I couldn't leave everyone. There wasn't really anywhere for me to go, anyway. As I ran, I turned around again to face Zane, jogging backwards. I stopped where I was, and for a moment I couldn't seem to switch into my other form, so I panicked. I had stopped running, but as I realized that I couldn't switch, I slowly started to back up. Zane was about fifteen meters from me. I put my hands up in front of my face, in some false hope of it protecting me. As Zane finally reached me, he jumped, his sword about to come down on me. It moved almost as quick as light, but not faster- a transparent wall of white light appeared just before he hit me, a rather large shield, curving around me. It was like being in a glowing hamster ball, only impenetrable. Zane's sword bounced off of it, and it sent him back a few meters. Even with this, though, he landed on his feet, and his sword still in his hand. I stood up, feeling a very sudden rush of energy, like the visions I'd had before. Then it hit me that it might have been the relic reaching out to me. But now, this wasn't a vision- it was the knowledge of powers I didn't know I had. This is what Lucinda meant that one day, when she talked about how I didn't know of all my capabilities. She had known. One of the biggest flashes I've seen appeared, right in front of me. My particles surrounded me, but gold this time. They looked like extremely tiny flames floating around me, almost as if I was standing near a fire. I had my wings on my back, and my sword in my hand. Zane started to charge at me again, only this time I did too. Our swords clashed, again and again. The sound of scraping metal and clashing swords was all around me. Soon, we both pushed off each other's swords and landed on the ground, on our feet. I still had that feeling of all this energy, and it was at it's climax. A light started to slowly glow brighter and brighter, and then it quickly faded. When it all cleared, I was holding two light purple and blue balls of light in my hands. I stood, ready to release them towards Zane. He dropped his sword, but I refused to believe that he was surrendering. I had to stay on my shoes. In the middle of this thought, as I had predicted, he made two balls of black light appear in his hands, and looked as ready as I was to fire. If I didn't make my move now, he'd shoot first, and I couldn't take that risk. Given this reason, I launched the light at him, and he reacted quickly by shooting his too. The balls of light turn into lasers, and meet in between the two of us. When they did this, a flash came, and slowly disappeared. A dark purple light was in the middle, a combination of our two lights. The middle shifted towards me, then Zane, then me, then Zane, over and over, but then I remembered everything I had to fight for here, everything I was here because of. Thinking of this... it gave me some sort of determination, and this helped me in an indescribable way. The light already coming out of my hands started to show golden strands, and began to push against Zane's beam harder. I was actually winning; my light was inching closer to Zane. I kept focused, even though this was kind of making me tired. But through this, Zane started laughing under his breath- why? But then I saw: he was only using one hand for his beam, and with his other, he was going to shoot me. I didn't have any time to react, and it came at me very quickly, but something behind me stopped it. Lucinda had came after knocking down the person she was going up against, and used her staff to challenge Zane's other beam. It was just then that I realized that she was using the spell that had ended up knocking her out after a short time. She would not last long, and I knew that I had to do something before she passed out. I knew that I was going to have to use my hands for two different beams. I was going out on a limb here, and sure, it might not go as planned, but... it was our only way out of this without anyone getting hurt on our side. So I took a deep breath, and took one of my hands away. Just in time, I shot at the other light from an angle as Lucinda started to look lightheaded. She fell back as I took care of Zane for the moment. I didn't have any good feeling about this, though. His light was slowly started to gain distance toward me now, not the other way around. I wouldn't be able to hold him for long. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lucinda stumble and run off behind Zane. What on earth was she doing?! She was at an angle, and looked like she was aiming her staff somewhere... in the middle of our two lights. She shot exactly in the middle, and the yellow light sent Zane and mine's light flying upwards to the ceiling. I managed to steal a glance at Zane, and saw he was temporarily distracted by Lucinda, so I took the chance to shoot at him. I sent a short ray of light at Zane, and it sent him flying to back onto the wall. But I then heard something that made me panic- a shattering of glass above me and Lucinda. We had shot one of the lights directly above us. I ran to Lucinda and pulled her to me, knowing what to do. I knew I didn't have time to run from under it, it was too big of a light. So I pulled her next to me, and put another hand up above us. Just in time, a wall of white light surrounded us, and the glass disintegrated above us when it touch the shield. When I was sure all the glass had came down, I made the shield disappear. When it went away, it made a small zapping sound, and then it was done. Lucinda and I took a short look around to see who was left to take care of: Ivy and Zane, who was just standing up from his recent blow. Ivy and Kaetlyn were fighting on the right side of the fountain, but everyone else was trying to figure out a way to help. I couldn't get a clear shot on Ivy, and- Where'd my sword go?! I must've dropped it when I was fighting Zane. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw it materialize in Lucinda's hand, and she gave it to me. She must've teleported it to herself when she noticed it was gone. "The relic?" Lucinda said simply. I nodded. A group of us stood there, not sure what to do about Ivy. At some point, I just raised my hand and shot her away from Kaetlyn. She did not hit any wall when she was knocked back, though. Instead, she took her sword, and pushed it into the floor to keep her from doing so. Ivy landed on her feet, and then looked up at me. She then took her sword up, and came at me. I reacted quickly, bringing me sword up to meet hers. We continued to try to take hits on each other, until she kicked me back. I knew that she would have the advantage if I fell down on my back, so I reversed it by flying up when she hit me. Now I would have the height advantage. But when I came down on her with my sword, she took off the ground, accelerating extremely quickly. When we clashed, this knocked me back even more, but then I flew down. She held her sword up in front of her head in attempt to block me attack, but she did not see that I was going to kick her down. I took Ivy by surprise and she went crashing down onto the floor. Just as she was knocked down, a flash appeared behind me. It was gone right away, but I still saw it from behind. I turned around to see what it was, and looked down. A portal stood in the middle of the room, and Zoey stood in front of it. She was able to get us out! But... how did she know that we were here? I saw her make a barrier between our group and Zane's, so none of them could come over to our side. "Quick, guys! The portal can only be here for a short time!" she called out to us. "You think you can keep us here, from escaping?" Zane asked her, approaching the barrier. "We still can get out. We have the amulet, remember?" he said, smirking. I scowled, landing next to my group. "Well, I guess I'll have to get it, then, huh?" I tell him. I shot a flame at Zane, who was holding the amulet in his hand, and he was knocked down. "Aphmau, wait! You won't be able to come back to our side!" Zoey warned me, but it didn't matter. I needed to seal away Zane so he couldn't hurt anyone else in our world. When he fell, the amulet shot out of his hand, and went flying upwards. Lucinda used her magiks to levitate it to me, but Zane was also moving towards it already, though. We both reached out our hands to grab it, but he was too slow, my hand got hold of the amulet, and I knew exactly where to put it. I levitated it slightly above my hands, and a purple most surrounded it. I raised my hand, and brought it down. As I did this, the amulet rose, then slammed down to he ground as quick as lightning. It knocked everyone on Zane's side down, but I was too high up for the explosion to hit me. The amulet had broken. While they were down, Zoey knew what to do. She took down the barrier for a brief second to give me the chance to come back to their side, and then put it back up again. We ran through the portal, and it disappeared behind us. We stood in the now empty opera house. The police must have came and had everyone get out. I saw the silhouette of a man walking towards us from outside. I saw the shine of a golden badge on his navy blue shirt, and realized it was a police officer. When he got closer to us, I could see that it was Joseph, thank Irene. If it was another police officer, who knows what they would do if they found out that we lied to them about our identity. "Well, you kept your side of the deal for sure." he said, as he approached us. "Heh, it's an ongoing thing." I said. "So, what happened?!" he asked. "Oh, lots of stuff. Had a whole showdown in a different dimension and came back here." I explained. "So, what happened to the other people fighting you, then?" he followed up. "They're trapped there. I can't think of any way they could possibly get back." Lucinda answered. "Also, hey, Aphmau! Want to tell him about that thing you got there? Besides, not everyone with us saw that happen." Lucinda pointed out. "Aphmau....?" Garroth questioned. "W-Well, when we were in the Irene dimension, well, the thing Zane was there to get, the relic, teleported in front of me, and I absorbed it." I told everyone. "Wait, you were in Irene's dimension?! And you got her relic?!" Joseph said, and I nodded. "But... How?" Laurence asked, confused. This seemed to be the reaction of everyone but me, and... Lucinda? "It's because she is Irene." she says. I pivot around to face her in surprise. "You knew?!" I ask her in shock. "Well, yeah. It was kind of obvious, but I still wasn't sure about it. I mean, what were the chances of it, right? I almost told you, but didn't fully. Just hinted it." she explained to me. "Wait, that's what it was about?! When we were training one day, you were basically speaking in riddles to me! I didn't have a clue what you meant by that." I exclaimed. "Are you going to tell people?" Joseph asked. "That could mean a lot of things... Like what happened to Zane, me being Irene, my identity... (but I feel like that's already given away after what happened)?" I asked, not sure what he meant by what he said. "Oh, well... If you put it like that, everything. What are you going to tell people, and what aren't you?" he said. "Well, I don't think I'm going to tell them what happened to Zane and his crew, but I'll let them know they're not dead. Me being Irene...? No,  definitely not. Reporters will never leave me alone, and that's, well... I don't want that. And as I said, I'm pretty sure all of our identities are given away, but they'll eventually leave us alone. But if we keep up doing this, helping the town.... Well, let's just cross that bridge when we come to it." I answered him. "So that's what that guy's name was? Zane?" he asked me. "Yeah," I replied. "Should we head out? Maybe we can explain a bit more at our place." Garroth suggested. Everyone agreed to that, but I realized that there are a lot of people outside. I hadn't noticed all the talking going on outside and noise and sirens until now. "Before you head outside though, you should know that there's a lot of people out there, including reporters who are going to be all over you... But I'm sure the other guys on the police department will keep them at bay while you leave." Joseph warned us. The others seemed a bit bothered by this, but it was fine. As long as they leave us alone when we get home, I'm fine with it. We had all switched out of our Jury forms by now, so we started to walk out with Joseph. As he said, we were bombarded with flashing cameras, and questions from dozens of reporters. I thought I'd go blind with all the quick flashes of light, honestly. But I did get a lot of that in the Irene dimension. Those were less sharp, though, but still. Some people were even trying to make their way past the policemen, but it didn't work out so well for them. None of us were used to this, all this attention. It was also kind of odd, because since Vlyad and Laurence automatically get out of their suit when they switch back to normal, they were back in their suits from when they got there. They looked fine except for some scratched on their bodies. But as I was examining them, I saw something that worried me: a red mark on Laurence's back. He had taken off his jacket, so the white shirt was all that was there. He was bleeding. A lot. I start to walk faster to catch up to Laurence, and tell him. I mean, it wasn't like he needed to be let known about this, but he was going to pass out if he bled too much! My steps sounded out of pace from everyone else's, and was drawing a bit more attention to me, but it was fine. I pushed past the others in my group, and they glared at me, showing concerned looks, but we needed to get Laurence to the hospital. I looked around on my way to him, and spotted several ambulance trucks around, and decided that he needed to go to one. I reached him, and grabbed his shoulder to slow him down. I walked next to him, and said, "Hey, Laurence...? You know you're bleeding really bad on your back? Someone got you from behind, and I don't want you to bleed out or anything...!" "Heh, shouldn't you be more worried about yourself?" he asked me. I look at him for a second, confused, but that's when I finally notice it. There was a searing pain in my right side, and it was deep. My hand automatically flew to it, but then I gasped in air when I realized that it made it worse. Blood ran down my side from it, and I knew I needed to stop the bleeding. I must've lost a lot of blood... People must've realized we were injured, because I saw multiple doctors running towards us. And also, me and Laurence must not be the only ones hurt. They take us by the arm gently, and rush us over to the trucks. They brought all of us to the hospital, but we were in different rooms. Some of us needed to go into surgery or get stitches, including Laurence and I. When I woke up, I was sore, but it had stopped bleeding, and most of the pain was gone. It was more than likely that they had me on painkillers, though. I got updates on how everyone else in the hospital was doing, and those who didn't need much medical attention visited us each daily.

One week later....

I'm out of the hospital pretty early, as is everyone else. Today is actually the day I'm getting out. I filled out the last few forms before I left, and did all that stuff before I was allowed to leave. I had one last short check with one of the doctors about keeping tabs on it, and then I left. Outside, the majority of the group was outside waiting for me, including Joseph. We chatted about how the hospital was, but nothing much other than that. After about ten minutes of that, we all headed to our cars to go back home, finally. I was the last there, and I hung back on purpose to talk to Joseph. "How did ya hold up in the hospital, then?" he asked. "Well, the food could be better," I commented, letting out a small laugh. "Ha! Well, I hope you do well at home, and don't let the reporters get you." he laughed. "Heh, yeah." We stayed silent for a minute, thinking about everything that had happened in the past week. "It's crazy. You know, all this..." I say quietly. "...Yeah. But the main thing's over now...!" he said. "Yeah, but this isn't the end of our, uh, 'job'." I remind him. "In all seriousness, though..." he starts, and then says, "Thanks for filling in your end of the deal. It's well appreciated." "Heh, like I said, it's our job. I guess." I reply. We have yet another moment of silence, until he finally says, "I should get going." "Yep." I said, not sure what else there is to say. "I'll see you around, probably." he wraps up. "Ditto," I say. After that, we turn separate ways. 


After that, the group worked together to help out the town with managing any crimes or difficult situations. But they feel like this won't be the last big battle they have. They're sure that Zane's group is gone for at least a good while, and out of their way for the time being, however... Everything can't run smoothly forever, can it? And when it does going wrong then, well.  

 It's their job to take care of it.                                                                    

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