The Deal

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"Are you... Aphmau?" One of them asked me. "Yes, how may I help you?" I said, trying to stay, and sound calm. "Well, we saw that you left the hotel shortly after that news report came on the news about the light on the fifth floor. You were on that floor. We searched all of the hotel rooms on floor five, and none of them had anything not normal in them. All hat was left was your hotel room, empty after you left." he informed me. I was speechless, and I didn't need to act that out. "A-Are you saying that it came from our room?" I asked. "No, I am just saying that your room is the only one on that floor that we didn't get to get a look at." he corrected. "Okay..." I said slowly. "I'm going to need to ask you ladies to come with us," the other police officer finally spoke. "W-What?!" Kaetlyn almost yelled. "Your not under arrest, we are just going to be questioning you." I stepped back a few steps because of how shocked I was. I saw no way out of this at the moment. "U-Um... Can I go get Kawaii~Chan?" I asked the officers. They nodded. Kawaii~Chan was still in her room getting dressed. I ran up the stairs, skipping in between. I knocked on her bedroom door, panting. I was about to go on a run, and I'm tired by running up one floor of stairs? "Is that Aphmau~Senpai?" she called from inside. "Yeah. You almost done in there?" I asked, hurriedly. "Yes, why?" she said. "Well, there might be two policemen at our door right now..." I told her. "Whaaaa? Why?" she says. "Kawaii Chan, why do you think?" I asked her, lowering my voice a bit so the police didn't hear. I had then, also realized that I was raising my voice a little. "Oh, no..." she said. "Yeah, now can you hurry?" I asked her, again. Just then, she opened her door all the way, and she was standing there, ready. I was leaning on the door, so I practically fell onto her (feet). I got up, and brushed myself off with my hands. "Aphmau~Senpai! Are you okay?!" Kawaii~Chan asked worriedly. "Yeah. Let's go." I said. We went down the stairs. "Okay, we're going to have to make a few stops before we head to the police station." they informed us. Oh, we had to pick up everyone else. But how were we going to fit everyone in one car? Oh! They had more than one. A lot, in fact. The same officers led us across the street to the guys' house. Will they think that we told the police? No, they know we wouldn't do that; our secret can't get out. They knocked on the door, fairly loudly. Dante answered it, and he just looked from us, to the police, to us, and over and over again. Eventually he said: "Um... What's going on? Aphmau, Kaetlyn, Kawaii~Chan...? What are you guys doing here with the police?" he honestly looked so confused, it was almost funny, but not in this situation. He called Laurence, Garroth, and Travis over. The officer explained the reason they were here, as they did for us. They squeezed the boys into one car, and us into another. We only had the backseat. After that, they picked up the rest of the group, such as Nicole, Aaron, and Lucinda. We drove over to the station for what feels like forever, but finally, we pulled into the parking lot. There were so many of us, they had to bring a bunch of chairs into the questioning room. Soon, two of the policemen from before came into the room, and asked: "So, why did you leave the hotel so late at night? Is there any reason?" one asked. "W-Well..." I began, stuttering. "U-Um, there was an emergency back here that we needed to come back for," I said. "Would you mind if I asked what that emergency was?" he asked another question, a follow-up toy the last one. "No, Garroth's mother had gotten sick, so we had to come back to see her," I said, trailing off to see if I had gotten it right. "Is this true?" he asked, looking to the others. The nodded their heads, quickly. "But you all have different last names. Your all not related," he pointed out. "Ye-Yes. But my car was the one we took here, so we all wouldn't have had a ride home," Garroth explained. "Couldn't they fly home, though?" he asked. "Well, we could, but there are two reasons why we didn't. One, the place we were at is just two hours from here, and we didn't want to waste money on a flight ticket for each of us. Two, we don't even have the money to buy all those tickets." Nicole said to the officers. "I see... Then Mr. Ro'meave's mother called you in the middle of the night to tell you that she was sick?" he asked, weary of our story. "Well... Yes! Because she k-knows that I care for her a lot!" Garroth exclaimed. "Okay..." he started. Just then, a police officer walked into the room. I had to keep myself from gasping; it was the officer that was in the jewelry store! I think he recognizes us because he looks at Laurence, Aaron, and I closely. "Do I know you from somewhere...?" he asked us. "N-No! I guess I just have one of those faces!" Laurence said. I'd never seen him act that way before- wait, no, I have. He was freaking out! I saw Aaron looking at him like he was crazy. I tried my best not to start laughing. "Okay..." the officer said, raising one eyebrow. "It just might be that I saw people with the same hair color today at the docks," he said. I just then noticed that I was sweating quite a bit from how nervous I was. I hope I didn't any more, though, so you couldn't see it any more through my exercise shirt. "You three," the officer said to Laurence, Aaron, and I, "Come with me. I looked back at the others frantically. He was going to bust us, oh my Irene... My stomach dropped on the way to the other room. He opened the metal door, and we entered behind him. We sat down in the chairs in the middle of the empty room. He pulled another chair in, and sat in it in front of us. "When you guys were at the coast... Where you at the docks?" he asked us. "Well, yes, but..." I began. He cut me off. He sighed and said: "Were you three the ones in the jewelry store?" he asked. "No-" I started. "Were you?" he asked us again. I looked down, as did Laurence. Aaron sat there, not saying anything. He did not seem bothered by this in the least. It was Laurence in the chair to the right, me in the middle, and Aaron was on the right side. We sat there silent for a few minutes. "You were, weren't you?" he asked us once more, one last time. By now, the officer knew that the answer was yes. "How did you do that?" he asked us quietly. "We're not sure. We just wanted to help." Aaron finally spoke up. He was looking straight into the eyes of the officer. I never knew that he was this comfortable with policemen. It didn't surprise me, though. The policeman looked surprised that of all of us, Aaron was the one to talk. "Why don't you want us to know that your the people to save the jewelry store? You haven't done anything wrong," he said. "We don't exactly want all that attention because of our... thing." Laurence explained. "I see... And that light in the hotel... Was that you too?" he asked. "Yes," I admitted. "What was it?" he followed up. I looked Laurence, then Aaron to see if I should tell him. "Well... That's what happens whenever someone else joins the group." I told him. "Anyone can join?" he asked for clarification. "No. At least, we don't think so. Everyone who has joined so far is within our group," Laurence said. "I see..." the police officer says, reflecting on what we had told him. "Well, since we had already met in the jewelry store, I might as well tell you my name. It's Joseph," he introduced himself. We each said our names, and he nodded. "Well, here's the deal. I don't tell anyone that your them," he began, Laurence gave a fistpump. "But I would like you to keep up the good work, and help out the town. Okay?" he said. We smiled, agreed, and thanked him. We walked back into the other room much calmer than we were the last time. I nodded to the others so they knew it was okay. They gave small smiles and sighs of relief. We sat back down in our original chairs. "I had some one-on-one time with these three, and they explained that they didn't do anything. I think we should let them off the hook." Joseph informed the other two officers. They raised their eyebrows again, and then looked at each of us individually. "Okay, if you say so. Guys, get outta here," one of them said, giving a crooked smile. We smiled and fast walked out of the place. When we were about to go home, we realized we didn't have a ride; they drove us here. I looked back at the doors and saw Joseph coming out. "Need a ride?" he asked us. "Yeah, actually. Thanks," I said. "Thought so." he said. "But, before, why don't I take a moment to explain to your friends here our deal?" he suggested. Everyone looked at Laurence, Aaron and I, confused. "So I told them that I wouldn't tell anyone about your thing. And you will keep helping out the town." he explained. "Sounds good," Dante said. "I'll go grab two more of the team to help drive all of you home," Joseph said. I smiled and nodded to him as a thank you (again). I flashed my partials right before he turned away, and laughed.

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