Training pt. 2

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I fell, and fell, feeling the wind push me up, but the gravity pulling me down at the same time. I fell, and everyone backed away from where I will fall. Garroth winced, and Laurence said, "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING, APHMAU?!" As I fell, I still smiled, until I came to the ground, my wings emerged and I landed so hard, expertly, that the ground around me shook. Everyone gasped, and I was okay! It worked! I fell without my wings, and I got them out right before I fell! I laughed, which, for some odd reason, is what I do after scary moments. "Not bad, Aphmau, not bad at all." Kaetlyn says. I stand straight up now, smiling. Now I needed to practice aiming lightning, which is dangerous in the forest, so I move to a stone floored clearing. 'How odd,' I think to myself, 'that stone could just be here, in a forest, not rocks, but as a flooring...' I step onto the platform and call my hammer over. (I could summon the lightning without the hammer, but it looked cooler in my opinion) I aim the hammer at the sky, and point it to where I wanted the lighting to go. The glowing string came down, creating a light brighter than anything else. "Yes!" I say out loud; I had gotten it right! I hear Nicole say "There's Aphmau." to the others and giggle. Then I decided, why not know where every thing is? So I spread out my wings and flew up to look around with my hammer in my hand. (I hadn't put away my wings) I look around and see Travis and Laurence sparring in the forest, Nicole and Dante sparring, and also Kaetlyn and Jeffory. Garroth looks up at me and waves. I think I'm the only one who can naturally- though the suits everyone wore allowed them to. And so Garroth took off toward me and smiled at me. I smiled back and then asked, "What about some air borne sparring?" "S-Sure..."

GARROTHS POV (I know right, I'm actually doing another  POV!)
Aphmau asked if I wanted to spar, and I agreed. We stayed still for a moment and then started slowly flying in circles. I saw a small flash of light while her sword materialized in her hand. I took my stance, but it was harder to while in the air. We both took a swing, and our swords clashed together. I activated what we called the JON form, or the Jury of Nine form. There were nine of us after all!
I saw the light blue partials start to hover around me, but somehow not that distracting. She swung her sword lower, but I blocked it. We rose higher, swinging and blocking, swinging and blocking, until Aphmau gasped, because we were in a cloud. She flew off in a direction, flat, so I couldn't see her. I hear her giggle in one direction, I turn around, and I hear her behind me. I start laughing, and so does she. We say good hand a and set ourselves back down. Ila's it turns out, everyone else was watch us! I did what probably looked like some kind of ridiculous bow, but it made Aphmau laugh. I blushed.

 I blushed

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Hey guys! I made some changes to the previous chapters, so check it out! And, yes, I know, I'm killing you with that picture of Aph with her wings, but hey! It's a great picture!

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Hey guys! I made some changes to the previous chapters, so check it out! And, yes, I know, I'm killing you with that picture of Aph with her wings, but hey! It's a great picture!

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