My Treat

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"Miss...Miss?" A voice echoed in the back of Nora's head, but it was drowned with the immense number of thoughts in her mind.

A light hand touched her shoulder – her body jolted at the touch and made her float back to reality, "What?"

Alex, the waiter, was standing there with his little black notepad in one hand and a pen in the other. He smiled at her, "Are you ready to order now?" Nora's cheeks started to redden and her heart skipped a beat due to the discomfit – she was embarrassed. She hadn't realised she was holding the menu in her hands, as she was too submerged in her thoughts just then.

I should stop thinking about it, she thought.

"Oh, sorry," She apologised and Alex let out a small chuckle.

"It's okay. Now, what would you like to order?" He was still exhibiting a glowing smile. Nora's eyes stared at his lips. The way someone could emit such a smile like that was something she envied nowadays, ever since the breakup with Mark a couple of days ago.

"Um," She scanned the menu, trying to find something that attracted her, "I'll...just have a cappuccino with two sugars and the cake of the day please." Placing the menu down, she looked up to her waiter.

He repeated the order, "So, that's one cappuccino with two sugars and the cake of the day, correct?"

Nora nodded her head as she gave him a polite smile.

"Okay, your order will be ready shortly." He informed and walked towards the counter, and pressed a few buttons on a touchscreen.

Nora opened her laptop and began typing as she waited.

A few minutes passed and Alex trotted back with her order. Her eyes were glued onto her screen so she didn't pay much attention to him, but of course said a 'thank you'.

She saved her work, before minimising the window. Okay time to eat, she thought.

She turned her attention to the meal beside her. The cup of cappuccino had steam coming up, which brushed her nose. There was a small plate with a slice of cake next to the coffee. It was beautifully decorated with crushed crumbs feathering the outside, a sizeable chocolate curl on the top and alternating layers of chocolate ganache sandwiched between layers of vanilla sponge cake with a coating of chocolate frosting to cover the cake.

Oh gosh, this looks fantastic. Can't wait to try it.

Picking up her fork, she dug into the marvellous cake. She kind of felt guilty for destroying such admirable creation, but she had to have a taste of it and she was glad to have done it, as a sweet chocolaty taste exploded in her mouth. It was so good.

Oh my god. This is one of the best cakes I've ever tasted in my life, she thought.

She alternated between sipping the coffee and having a bite of the cake, and within twenty minutes, the food was all gone and in Nora's stomach.

Wow, that was nice! She reflected on the meal as she began again on her work, just two more points and then I'm done.

When she was done with her work, which took around thirty minutes, she saved her work and packed up her laptop and deposited it in her bag. She fished out her wallet and was about to place down a ten-dollar note when she spotted a napkin with black markings, hiding under the saucer. Nora moved the saucer aside and held up the napkin.

There was a message. It read –

I know you've been having a bad time lately so, this meal's on me. Don't bother trying to pay me back, I did it because I wanted to so don't feel like you owe me something, okay?


Nora's lips turned into a glowing smile. It was so sweet that Alex did that for her. He knew she was having a bad time and did this. Her heart was touched by the warm gesture and her stomach was emitting butterflies. She wanted to say 'thank you' to him.

Grabbing her bag, she advanced towards the counter. The manager, Briana, was standing there.

"Hi Briana, can I speak with Alex please?" She asked for him.

"Oh sorry, but he's on break now," She apologised with a well-mannered smile.

"Oh," Nora felt kind of dejected, "Well, could you tell him that I said thank you and it was really kind of him to do that for me, please?"

Briana had a surprised expression on her face, but was quickly replaced with a smile, "Sure thing. Come again next time Nora."

"Will do," she replied, before heading out the door. She was heading home. 

A cup of coffee with that? Yes please! [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now