I shake my head.

'I...I need to go to the office' I stutter

She studies my face for a second before frowning

'Sit down Ms. Calder' she says

'No, no you don't understand' I say urgently

'I don't understand why your still not in my class room. In. Now' she says

I walk and sit as far away as possible from Jake. Alana gives me a weird look but I ignore it. Ms McEvoy starts talking about our baby projects.

'Were going to pair up today' she says

She calls out pairs, Alana being paired with Niall, which she doesn't look to pleased about.

'And last but not least, Eleanor Calder and Jake Holh' she says

I freeze

'No!' I screech

Everyone looks at me confused

'Excuse me Miss Calder, do you want to go to Mr. Gerda's office?'she asks

'Can I talk to you outside?' I ask quietly

She nods reluctantly and I follow her outside.

'What is the problem Eleanor?' Ms. McEvoy demands

'Jake tried to uhm take advantage of me' I mumble

'Speak up' she says

'Jake tried to take advantage of me' I say louder, my voice trembling

She stops and her face instantly softens

'I'm sorry Eleanor. You can pair up with someone else' she says, walking back in, me in tow

'Eleanor Calder and Louis Tomlinson' she says

What can I say?Any things better than Jake!

Louis walks over to my desk and sits beside me, a smirk plastered on his face as he looks at me.

'What?!'I hiss angrily

He just shakes his head and, for once, pays attention to Ms McEvoy.

'Now, I'm handing out the babies and their birth certs. Name your baby, put their age and describe them on the sheet.' she says passing around a baby to each group, 'Now remember, this is a trust and compromising excerice. You'll have this baby for a month, and its worth 40% of your grade so fail or neglect the baby in anyway and you'll fail my class. Also, there's a small camera and a monitor in the baby to make it cry when it needs food, or a change of nappy and the camera is recorded and stored into my laptop so I'll be able to make sure your taking care if this baby she finishes, handing the last baby to Louis and I.

She hands a birth certificate. I glance at it before looking at the baby, placed on the desk in front of us.

It starts wailing and everyone turns to Louis and I. I look at him expectantly. He does the same to me.

'Make it stop!' he cries pointing to he doll

'I'm not touching that thing! You do it!' I retor

'No way! It smells of crap!'

'Well I don't wanna touch the fricking thing!' I say looking a t the baby

'One of you do something!' Ms McEvoy says sternly

Louis continues to do nothing so I sigh in frustration and grab the baby by its arm.

It continues to wail.

'Shut up!' I whine

'It won't shut up!'

'Its your baby, Your its mum, cuddle it' Ms McEvoy says

'I'm not cuddling that thing' I say

She gives me a glare and I hug the baby to my chest and it stops crying

'Yes!' I say

'Ok now fill out the birth certificates' she says

I thrust the baby at Louis and drop it into his lap.

'You take the baby. I'll fill out the sheet' I say grabbing the paper

'Name?' I ask

'Well is it a boy or a girl?' Louis asks

I shrug

'Check' I say in a duh way

'I'm not looking down there!' he says

'Well your gonna have to when you change it' I say

'Me change it?!?!' he asks

'Yes. You change it!' I say mimicking his tone

'I'm not changing those thing'

'I'm not fucking changing it all the time!' I say rolling my eyes

He groans and peaks into the baby's nappy

'Its a boy' he says

'Name?' I ask in frustration

'Louis' he says smirking

'I'm not naming my child after you' I say rolling my eyes

'Then what do we name it?' Louis asks me expectantly

I think for a second and then smile lightly

'Eoin' I say gently

(pronounced Owen)

'Why Eoin?' he asks

'It was my dads name' I say looking up at his tall frame

'Was? What did he leave?' Louis asks

'He's dead' I say writing Eoin down on the birth certificate.

'Sorry' Louis mumbles

'Doesn't matter' I say

'Eye colours?' I ask

Louis studies the baby



'Chocolate Brown' he says

'Date of Birth?'

'I dunno. 2nd of November' Louis says shrugging

'Sign it' I say slipping him the form and taking Eoin.

He's creepy. He's a doll but he can interact like a normal baby.

The bell rings and I grab my bag

'Who takes the kid?' Louis asks

'You take him' I say extending the child, that's starting to whimper

'No you take him'

'You take him!'

'I can't I have Pe' Louis says smirking

I glare at him.

'Fine but you get him after break'

'Fine but you get him after lunch' Louis retorts

'Fine but you get to bring him home' I reply with a smirk, walking off before he can protest

That Class just became my nightmare.

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