(CH5) So Take Your Gloves and Get Out, Better Get Out, While you Can

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(CH5) So Take Your Gloves and Get Out, Better Get Out, While you Can


                       (Sorry if it doesn't have the best writing or plot e________e)


Hi. So, it's been a week since Halloween, which means it's the 7th of November, and we're in Santa Fe, New Mexico. We've been to Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada since Halloween, and we've also only played 6 shows (which'll be 7 tomorrow) since we've been on tour. Things are so hectic, but fun.

"Fiona, can you stop writing in your journal and come out, please?!" Shauna yelled from the other room. I sighed, how did she know I was writing in my journal? "Just a minute, Sha Sha!" I yelled back, took my earplugs out of my ears, and turned off my iPod. 'Sha Sha' is my nickname for her.

'Anyways, I'm in our tour bus, and I was laying down in my bed, writing this, until something came up. Got to go, bye.' I quickly wrote down in my journal before getting out of bed, putting my journal away, and walking out to the main room.

"What's up?" I simply asked once I was in the room. "Something's up with Alexander, and he won't tell us.." Shauna said, and sighed. I lowered my eyebrows in confusion, and turned my head to Alex who was curled up on the couch. "Well um, it must be that bad" Nae nodded (yes, we let her come with us), while Shauna just stared at him. "Whatever it is, you can tell us, you know that right?" Shauna said, me and Nae both nodded. Alex slowly put his head up and looked at us after she said that, "I.. I do know that, Shauna. Thanks.. but I just n-need to be, alone." He put his head down and sighed.

Me and Shauna walked in to the bed\bunkroom and talked about what just happened..



*2 hours before*

I went to the main room and made sure I was alone, before pulling out my phone, and dialing the number that belonged to my girlfriend, Hannah. I was calling her to update her on everything that's happening to me. While I was waiting for her to answer I sat down on the couch, and picked up my notebook that was laying on the coffee table in front of me. I put it in my lap and looked through it until she finally answered after the 4th ring, which took like 10 minutes. Kind of unusual, but whatever.


"Hey, um, what's up?" I asked.

"Oh, not much.. what's up with you?"

"Same. Hey, you wanna hear about the dream I had earlier?" I asked, I had a really bad dream about my aunt because she... nevermind, but anyways I wanted to tell her about it since we tell each other everything, and she could probably help explain it.

"No, but I'm sure you want to hear this... I'm breaking up with you." She replied. Um, what? She must be joking, I hope she is anyways.

"Ha ha, very funny, now do you want to hear about it or n-"

"I'm not kidding! Why would I joke about that, especially if we just started talking?" She interrupted, and I heard her scoff. My body froze with shock and other emotions, why could she be ending this if we had a great relationship? This isn't her. After I released that I hadn't said anything for about a minute, I decided to have attitude and let my anger out.

"Oh, well, I don't know! I guess since we used to joke about those things when we were happy together" I said and sighed.

"But anyways, I was just going to tell you about the nightmare I had about my aunt since she just died yesterday, since this always happens whenever someone I know dies, and you could've helped me with it. But nevermind, thanks." I added.

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