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Shawn's POV

I was sitting at my desk going through my laptop on Twitter. Just then I got a call from Charlie.

"Hey man!"

"Hey. Shawn. I'm in love with Cecilia..."

"Woah what??!!"

"Yeah. I'm afraid..."

"Charlie that's amazing. I mean its good. Did you tell her?"

"No way."


"I don't think she likes me!"

"You clearly can't see...."

"What do you mean?"

"Ask her!!"


"I don't know. Just make it special."


We discussed a few minutes until we had to go to our work.

I quickly called Sofia and told her this news.

"Seems like our plan worked?" She said.

"Guess so. But he won't tell."

"You don't have to worry about that! I have an idea."

And she went on explaining it as a smiled slowly curved on my lips. She's a genius.

"Love you!"

"Love you too Shawn!"

"He's leaving for LA tomorrow!"

"What? Can you hold it one day?"

"Don't think so. I'll see..."


And then we finished our call.

Yeah I know these two chapters were just dialogs but the end is near....

What do you think Charlie would do???? ;)



~Charlie's gurl.💜

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