20 Things About Me

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I have been tagged by @aaradhana_adithya. So here I go.

1. Book worm
I love reading books. Believe me, when I don't have anything to read, I can even read pamphlets. Also I have read text books of my cousins when I was at my nani house due to the lack of books. I have completed many Wattpad books in a day.

2. Punctual
Yes I am a Punctual person. I got this habit from my parents, who believe in reaching at least half an hour before the actual thing starts. I also try to follow suit.

3. Chocolates are bae
Believe it or not I love every form of chocolate. Be it chocolate truffle or chocolate ice cream, I love them all. To impress me, bring a chocolate ice cream for a week, plus a home made Rajma Chawal. By the end, I will definitely be impressed.

4. Hate for pizza
Quite shocking, isn't it? Yes I hate pizza. I don't like pasta either. And because of this many people think that I am not normal or I am an alien. I really can't understand how can people eat so much processed flour and cheese?

5. Trust issues
I can't trust people, especially guys easily. No offence to guys. Actually I have been betrayed by people whom I trusted so this problem exists. But once I do, I trust them with all my heart and soul.

6. No role model
Yes this is true. I don't believe in making any one a role model because everyone has some faults as well. I believe in taking good qualities of a person, rather than making his or her my role model. For example I want to have as good as writing style as Jeffrey Archer has. Or I want to bash superstition as my parents do.

7. I don't support LGBT
Whatever you want to think of me, you can but I don't support LGBT. That doesn't mean that I am in favour of discrimination and violence that LGBT community faces everyday. I just don't find homosexuality natural.

8. I forgive but not forget
My problem with people is that I can easily forgive them if they have said anything wrong, but can't forget it. I have a really very good memory which doesn't let me forget anything. And often those issues come up when I have a fight with the same person again.

9. Actively self harming myself
I am not been able to fully recover from this psychological problem. I thought I had but then due to some unfortunate reasons I again resort to the same thing as a means of relieving emotional pain. The last time I did it was on 25th April 2016.

10. Good sense of humour and presence of mind
I have a good sense of humour and can make people laugh. Also I have a good presence of mind which has helped me to shut many people's mouths.

11. Don't visit temples
I don't visit temples even once in a while because I don't believe in idol worship. Instead I believe in doing good as a means to seek blessings of the God.

12. Don't believe in following rituals
I don't believe in following rituals like fasting of any form, or giving a lot of gold in the name of chadhava to priests. Instead I would like to do that for a poor person.

13. Giving nature and selflessness
I am selfless kind of a person. When I was reading some of the other review books, I observed that almost all of them wanted payment in the sort of reading a specific number of their books whereas I don't ask for such things, even though I fee that my books deserve more attention.

14. Spell checker
I hate when a person does a spelling mistake. More than Grammar Nazi, I am a spell checker. During my school days when I used to copy from other person, I used to do a lot of spelling correction in their notebooks as well.

15. Quirky and weirdo

16. Talking machine
Once I become friends with you, I will talk endlessly(Present victims are @janhavikhatri and @trueathenian). I talk a lot. A lot means a lot. And when I don't get a proper response I feel disappointed.

These are the fact that I want to write for now. Tagged further in the comment box

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