Money Is Not Everything

165 20 11

I just kept running in the rat race,
Maintaining my fastest pace.
Striving hard to reach the pinnacles,
But instead getting into greed's shackles.
Worked mechanically from day till night,
More and more targets always flooded my sight.
My mind thought that I was gaining,
But my heart knew that I was failing.
It didn't take time for turning the tide, To make me realise that nobody was by my side.
The work took the toll on my health,
And like a fast flowing river it eroded my wealth.
It was then I realised that money was not as important as a good heart.
It could not save my family from being apart.
At the end of all I suffered loneliness and pain,
Finally I realised that my life was all vain.

A/N : I know that this is quite sloppy but please bear with me. I will be better with time. Thanks to trueathenian for giving me confidence to publish my poetry. NATASHAJESS I will hide behind you if he doesn't like it. So be ready to save me di. Just joking. But seriously I am happy that I published this one.

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