Authors Notes

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Good night, good night. Parting is such sweet sorrow...

I'm not gunna quote Shakespeare the whole time, but that one piece stood out to me. Now, Here's the deal: It's over for Serpent's Kiss. Chapter Nine was the very last chapter for this book.

Now before you start getting sad and mad and become hatelings that want my soul for doing this to you when I could still be having a ball with the new season, I got an announcement to make. Big big big one!

Now, I've been really busy with all these contests and I have the second account for all my normal stuff. ('normal' being used very loosely cause who the hell is normal? What even is 'Normal'? I think its not contagious but who knows.) But, FEAR NOT! I HAVE REVIVED THE DRIVE TO WRITE THIS STORY MORE! So within the day/week/month, I will be updating on this story as well as other stories throughout my minds cape. Currently though, have to admit, I'm having a crash into the past with old '90s TV shows as well as throwback movies I love and new ships and random funk I keep running into on Tumblr.... *shivers* 

Now, either way, please do not get mad at me for leaving all of you unattended for so long. That is why I can't do anything unless someone kicks me in the rear and says "GET MOVING ALREADY!" (thank you commenter FairyTailIsLyfe4eva for that last comment that just showed up in my emails.) 

If you want regular updates on how things are going: fallow me! And I don't mean literally, cause I don't want you fallowing me home. That's creepy and illegal. But please fallow the page! Otherwise Vote and Comment as much as you want. Keep it clean though please! I love hearing your feed back, especially the chair flip ones in the chapter where I threw in some jabs at other ships that people have come to love. 

Also, heads up, you are in for some feels. BYE!

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