Chapter 1: The Opening

Start from the beginning

I just dreamed of gaining power
Who knew, I became so sour?

Wanting to ever rule
All of Equestria and school

Becoming into someone cruel
With Twilight, changing me in that magic
My awful, yet showable side
Just makes me... want to hide

Realizing, I just needed friendship
Not myself, in my fiend-ship

Shimmer to the past (The past)
It doesn't even matter
as it won't ever last (Ever last)

My sudden change of heart
Yet the 'old' me, was driving
best friends apart

Losing everyones' trust
Lonely and feeling nothing, but

The 'new' me, was such a must
Friendship and changes, makes me
feel the lust

It was no one but I,
who told so many lies
But to this day, there
are no more denies

I now take on the fight
Along with The Main Six,
bringing harmony is my sight
The magic of friendship is...
what I have fixed

Forgiveness, is what I see
in the light
My new ways are...
but right

Shimmer to the past (The past)
It doesn't even matter
as it won't ever last (Ever last)

Shimmer to the past (The past)
It doesn't even matter
as it won't ever last (Ever last)

Shimmer to the past
Shimmer to the past (The past)

Sunshine and Sunset Shimmer noticed a large crowd of ponies as they stopped trotting. "Mom, why is there so many ponies here?" Sunset turned to look at her own mother. Sunshine gestured for her daughter to follow her into the crowd. "Follow me, I'll tell you, just don't get lost."

Sunset looked around with her curious eyes, glancing at everypony who seemed to be happy. She turned her attention to stay on the same path with her mother, not wanting to get lost. She couldn't stand the fact of being alone. "Good, you managed to stay by my side without getting lost."

Sunshine used her magic to put Sunset on top of her, wanting her to get a better view of what was going on. "There, now you can get a great view."

Sunset was amazed by the beautiful view she got on top. "Wow! It sure looks pretty, up here. But... why are we, here? What is this place?"

Sunshine giggled, "I was just going to get to that, Sunset. You see, lots of ponies come here, all the time... It happens once a year."

"What happens once a year?"

"Why the Summer Sun Celebration, of course! Every year, here, Princess Celestia raises the sun, it's such a amazing sight to see.. with your very own eyes," Sunshine's eyes twinkled in joy.

"Princess Celestia!? You mean thee, Princess of the Sun!?" Sunset was excited. "Yes, she is. If you look closely, she's on the stage." Celestia introduced herself and the celebration that she was going to be doing and she lastly raised the sun. As the sun was finally in the sky, its sunlight began to shine down on some luck ponies, even Sunset Shimmer.


The Summer Sun Celebration was over and everypony dispersed, going in their own separate ways, except for Sunshine and Sunset. They both were going to go on the stage. "Where are we going?"

"On the stage, to see Princess Celestia," Sunset was happy, hearing what her mother said.

"Greetings, Princess Celestia." the mother and daughter both bowed down to the princess.

"Hello, Sunshine Shimmer, and who might this.. little filly be?" Celestia wanted to know who Sunset was.

Sunset gasped, "Mom, she knows you!?"

"I see that you didn't tell her, about me?"

"I was going to tell her, Princess Celestia, eventually, anyways, this is Sunset Shimmer, my daughter. And Sunset, we both know each other because... Princess Celestia was my teacher in magic school."

Sunset's eyes widened in shock. "Wow! She was your teacher!" Sunshine nodded. "Yes."

"How is it going, my old student? Of course, with your life, that is."

"It's great, with my daughter, she is actually, starting to have an interest in magic, herself," Sunshine looked at Sunset.

"Well, Sunset Shimmer, if you want to learn more about magic, you may consider enrolling, in my magic school, when you're older, little filly." Celestia smiled at Sunset, before she she left in her own carriage. "It was nice catching up with you, Sunshine, I'll see you later!"

I know there's people who already have Sunset Shimmer origin books, but I have actually been thinking to write this book for a while now and mines will be different and unique, I'm not gonna copy off of other people. And I have a important announcement to make; I'm not going to be constantly updating this book a lot like I did with my other MLP EQG books, since I have to finish my other books....So...this book will barely get updated, it's kinda gonna be on hold as you might say...

I will be updating these books instead:

1. My Little Hedgehog: Friendship Is Chaos! (Book 1~MLPFIM/SONIC Series)

This is just my Sonic and MLP crossover book that will be a trilogy (3 books) series. I think I will update more on this, it depends on my mood though...

2. Derpyhooves: Who Are You?

This is just my MLP romance shipping book about Doctor Hooves and Derpy, I will TRY to update this one, since this book should of been completed a long while ago, it's hard to update it since I am stuck for ideas to start writing the next chapter...

And last of all...Another announcement I have is that I'm FINALLY gonna take a break off of Wattpad, but I don't know when I'm gonna be back and I don't know how long my break is going to be?...It's gonna be my very first break off of Wattpad that I have ever done in my life...Goodbye everypony :3 I might or might not update these 2 books while I'm on break xD

Equestria Girls: Shimmer To The Past (Book 4~Equestria Girls Series) Where stories live. Discover now