Chapter 2: The Morning After

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((Sorry they are so short.. will get longer. Vote. comment. Thanks!))

Lights yawned, turning over and smiled as she noticed the sleeping little beauty next to her. Events from last night flashed back into her mind and she realized what she had done. She swallowed, running a hand through her hair. Fuck, she was cheating on her boyfriend Beau. She sighed, knowing she should probably tell him how she felt about guys and end their relationship soon. She ran a hand down her arm softly, she liked Hannah already and really wanted to get to know her. Although she knew this would be huge news, what would her fans think and would they accept her and her new possible girlfriend? Lights swallowed, moving to lay back down as thoughts jumbled through her head. Hannah stirred next to her after a while and turned to look at Lights. Lights smiled, "Good Morning."

"Morning." Hannah smiled slightly and Lights sat up to kiss her deeply. Hannah smiled as Lights ran a hand through her hair. "Well, I guess I should be going." Lights frowned as Hannah moved from the bunk to put her clothes back on. What? So soon? Lights was beginning to feel really heartbroken.

"Oh? Uh, don't you want to stay for breakfast?" Lights asked, getting out and began putting her clothes on as well. "Uh, no. I should really be getting back. I have a client waiting on me, I think?" Lights watched as Hannah checked her phone. Hannah nodded, "Yeah, I'm so sorry, Ms. Poxleitner." Lights frowned, fixing her clothes as Hannah exited the bus. Well dammit, she didn't even get a number. Fuck, well maybe she could look it up in the local phonebook if they still had those. Lights rushed to the front, "Hey! What's your full name?" She called as Hannah was waiting to cross the street. "Hannah Snowdon!" She called back and ran across. Hannah Snowdon, Hannah Snowdon. She had to remember that.

Hannah made it back to her parlor in no time. She smiled as she walked inside, a client as well as her fiancé greeted her. "There she is." He smiled opening up his arms for a hug. She hugged him back tight and accepted a sweet kiss on the cheek from him. "Sorry about the long wait, Miss." She smiled over to the young woman here for a tattoo they had planned out the other day. "It's alright, Love. I kept her busy."

"Oh god, I wonder with what?" Hannah cleaned up her station and began setting up for the tattoo, thoughts of Lights fading from her mind, at least for now. She wished she could dwell on the thought of her but that was a one night mistake and never to happen again. She was so sorry for it and didn't want to lead the beautiful musician on. "Babe?" Hannah blinked, looking up from the stencil she had just made of the design she had drew up. "I asked you about the concert last night, how was it?" He chuckled lightly, moving to the side so her client could lay down on the table for her. "Oh well it was great." She smiled up at her Oliver, so handsome and goofy. The lead singer of Bring Me The Horizon only let his guard down in front of her his love, his life, his wife to be and Hannah cherished it. She loved Oliver a lot, but did Lights leave a lasting impression on her? She remembered the concert clearly. Standing right at the front, she got a full view of the beautiful Canadian pop star. The music was great and after she even got to meet her and that's when things took a turn for the best and worst in her case. She didn't expect to sleep with the musician at all. She was just caught in the moment and wasn't about to deny her, she was an amazing girl, sweet personality and overall such a good person. How could she deny her? Besides she wanted it too.

"Hannah Pixie.." Oliver sang.

"What? What?" Hannah asked, turning to him. Her client was looking at her and Oliver was smirking. "How do you want me to lay, Ms. Snowdon?"

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Hannah said and began instructing her. Oliver chuckled, "I don't know what's come over you, babe. It's like you're star struck or something, haha. Was Lights that awesome?"

Oh you have no idea.

It took Hannah a couple of hours for this tattoo, taking a few breaks here and there and she was done. Another few clients later and she was finished for the day. She sighed, looking over at Oli texting away on his phone. "I was wondering if you'd like to go out, a little date before we start working on this new album. I'll be busy a lot so." Hannah nodded, smiling. "I'd love that." She moved from cleaning up her area to kiss him softly. He kissed back, wrapping his arms around Hannah's tiny waist. This is good, this should keep her mind off of Lights Poxleitner. See this was nothing, just a normal one night stand. She'd never see that Canadian beauty again.

Tattoos Make Me Naughty (LightsxHannah Snowdon Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon