"Oh me?" Moira asked, feigning innocence. "Just your utter destruction."

"Even if you wanted to kill us, you didn't have to involve innocent people. Thousands of people are dying, and for what? Revenge?"

"This is hardly about you," Moira said coldly. "You're forgetting that I've crippled most of your allies too, not that any of you are really capable of stopping me. What I want is to return this profane world to order, restore the true state of things. No longer should we hide in the shadows while humans run amok, doing as they please. They should learn their place, and bow to the forces above them. As for the 'thousands of people' you're talk about, well," She tilted her head to the side, smirking evilly. "I was feeling a little peckish."

Paula frowned, confused, and Kojiro looked like he wanted to speak but then he started coughing. His coughs went on for almost a minute, and as they died down, he sucked in a deep breath and released it slowly.

"This was never about the Nucleus," he said. "She's using the bacteria to steal soul energy without forming any contracts."

"Bingo!" Moira said, clapping. "Well, now that you've figured me out, I suppose you can all die happy. And I just happen to know a couple of guys who would gladly kill you."

Ripples appeared in the air behind her, and five people walked out. The first was an olive skinned Asian man dressed in red and gold robes, his arms behind his back as he smiled almost civilly and stood beside Moira. The second was a pretty young woman, probably in her mid-thirties, with wavy red hair tied back in a ponytail and brilliant blue-green eyes, wearing a dark red leather cat suit and stiletto boots, looking obscenely like a dominatrix. The third and fourth were a man and a woman who were dressed alike, in black robes with green and gold detailing, and an insignia at the centre of their chests depicting two hands connected by a lightning bolt. The man had dark greying hair slicked back from his proud chiselled face, while the woman had cold dark blue eyes and straight blonde hair cut asymmetrically at shoulder length. The last person was Nathan. He looked haggard and worn out, and there his eyes looked dead as he stood beside Moira, who petted his head in a way that looked more domineering than affectionate.

"Aww, look at that," she said with a pout, "It would have been six against six, but Adam decided to spoil the fun. Oh well, it's your loss." She stopped and giggled to herself. "Get it? Because, you know, you're outnum-"

"We get it," Paula hissed. Moira only looked at her with amusement and there was a tense moment of silence. Adrianna considered their situation. They were going against six people, besides Moira, and from the energy she could feel coming off them, they weren't lightweights. Adam was out of commission and Ecru was not here, and with Kojiro being sick, they were really down to just three people.

We're so dead.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Moira bellowed, turning on her team. "You want Introductions?"

"Instructions," the Asian man said, unfazed by her tone. "We cannot attack randomly. We will only get in each other's way."

"Fine," she huffed. "Tenzin, you take Kojiro. I'm sure you're eager to go at it again. Dominique," she motioned to the red-haired woman, "you get beast man." She turned to the two mages in uniform robes. "Louis and Vanessa, you take the girls."

Ivan scowled. "And what am I supposed to do?"

"You already had your fun, so stand here and look pretty."

Ivan huffed and folded his arms across his chest, and the Proles teleported away as the four mages stepped away from Moira, eyes locked on their individual targets. Adrianna noticed the Asian man and blonde woman headed in her direction and stepped defensively in front of Kojiro. She felt a hand on her shoulder, and looked back to see Kojiro shaking his head subtly.

Hexus: NeoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora