~11~ Flurry

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[5:38PM, January 4, UTC +02:00]

ADRIANNA shifted uncomfortably, trying to ease the pressure of the edge of the dresser digging into her butt. To her left, Damilare was also leaning against the dresser, his bulky arms folded across his chest as his jaw worked. He stared sullenly at Paula who was half-sitting and half-lying on the bed in front of them, resting her head against the wooden headboard. Beside her, covered in blankets and slowly stirring a cup of hot ginseng tea, Kojiro coughed and rubbed a spot on his chest. Adam was seated on the bed at his other side, while Ecru leaned by the door, his hands in the pockets of his dark grey hoodie.

"I called everyone here for two reasons," Adam said, clearing his throat. "First, to bring us up to speed with our current situation. Also, because Kojiro is still recovering and we couldn't do this in the lounge. But before we begin, I need to know of any developments that occurred during my absence."

"Your boyfriend went apeshit and tried to kill everyone." Paula mumbled.

"Before that."

"Meh. Just business as usual."

"How are the children?" Adam asked. Damilare's tail curled to scratch under his ear.

"Fine," he replied. "Mostly trying to readjust to the new living arrangements."

"How many are here?"


"Just five?"

"There have been issues with getting consent from their guardians. The Lawrence's haven't agreed, so five of them are still in Australia."

Adam turned to Paula, his face equally confused and exasperated. "Didn't you explain things well to them?"

"Don't look at me," she replied, shrugging. "I never even talked to them."

"So who did?"

"Ecru," Damilare sighed. Adam palmed his forehead, before turning to face the vampire leaning on the wall beside him.

"What?" Ecru said, his eyebrows raised questioningly.

"What the hell were you thinking?"

Ecru shrugged noncommittally. "I was already in the neighbourhood for Austin's training so I just tried to kill two birds with one stone."

"You didn't just kill the bird," Paula scoffed. "You destroyed it with a wrecking ball."

"At least I tried to help," Ecru said indignantly. "How was I supposed to predict their reaction?"

"Because people don't just forgive you for trying to kill them and turning their child into a vampire," Damilare replied. "Are you really that tactless?"

"They seemed okay when I came to start training Austin," Ecru said with a grunt.

"That's because I talked sense into them before you showed up," Adam said. "It was Paula who was supposed to tell them about bringing the children in and... Paula, where were you when all this was happening?"

"I don't know," Paula replied, turning to Ecru. "When did this happen?"

"Tuesday last week."

"Oh, Tuesday," Paula slurred, turning back to Adam. "I was getting laid."

"Not funny," Adam deadpanned.

"I know. It was some pretty serious dick."

She smiled smugly as Adam shook his head and sighed. Adrianna noticed that Damilare's jaw was working faster, but he still hadn't really changed his expression. Adam turned towards him again.

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