=7= Moment

310 9 1

[11:43AM, December 26, UTC +02:00]

ADAM stared out through his bedroom window, idly watching the barely perceptible movements of the dark cloudy sky. The winter solstice had just passed, and so the days were still more of night than light, with the sun peeking out for just a mere three hours yesterday. Though he knew this was good for Ecru, the combined effects of the near-constant darkness and the emptiness of the house were a little depressing. Adrianna never returned after her solo mission, and he'd feared the worst until Kojiro called two days ago, reassuring him that she was recovering in the Yamamoto home. Paula had disappeared sometime about three days ago, with Damilare shortly after, and he only found out that they were in Wales earlier this morning when his sister called to basically gloat about how much fun they'd had at their family dinner.

He'd wanted to ask what they were both doing there, but he had a feeling the answer was going to be either ludicrous or completely irrelevant.

Besides, he had plans too. The Winterfest was on in the Elfin Kingdom, a week-long celebration filled with feasting and music and winter-based activities, culminating in the grand unveiling of the latest snow crystal designs by the frost fairies. Though his attendance was not mandatory, his presence was customarily expected – partly a move of solidarity and partly unstated obligation, as the Elfin Royals needed to maintain an air of absolute authority in the Seelie Court, and this was somehow translated into having their human proxy at their events.

Too bad I'm not in the mood.

But festivities aside, he still had a lot of work to do. Kojiro's call regarding the unrest in the Shinto pantheon meant that some sort of diplomatic arrangement had to be made before things escalated out of control. And it didn't help that Adrianna could not remember exactly what she had done to anger said gods – that is, assuming it was even her actions that led to their enragement. Sketchy details made it very hard to pin the blame on anyone – not that he wanted to, as the Shinto gods weren't exactly selective of where they cast their fury and would happily smite anyone deemed a hypothetical suspect. Also, there was the issue of Ivan Anton; his threats still lingered in Adam's thoughts and with his notable hook or crook character, Adam felt the need to do something pre-emptive.

And so, despite not wanting to be within a thousand miles of the Winterfest, he was going to New Arcadia.


He turned around. Ecru was sprawled under the blanket, his arm wrapped around one of the pillows from Adam's side of the bed. Adam's eyes were drawn to the interconnected tattoos running the length of the vampire's arm and up to his neck where they ended just below the bite marks, his lean muscles bunched beneath pale skin as he squeezed the pillow under his chin. In the dull lighting, his hooded eyes glowed red, making him look something between beautiful and menacing.

"What are you doing?"
"Nothing really," Adam sighed.
"Stop thinking so hard and come back to bed."
"No, you sleep. I have to be off soon anyway. There's no telling how bad the weather is in town and if I don't get ready now, I-"
"Come back here. Right now."

Adam smiled weakly and slowly shuffled to sit beside Ecru. Ecru released the pillow and hoisted himself across the bed to lie on Adam's lap, and Adam couldn't resist the urge to run his fingers through Ecru's soft black hair. Ecru twitched a little when Adam's fingers brushed the scar on his scalp, and he reached up to grab Adam's hand and lace their fingers together, bringing their joined hand down and staring quietly. He looked gloomier than usual, his face almost expressionless as he slowly squeezed and released Adam's fingers between his.

"What's wrong?"
"You know what's wrong."
"I suppose asking you not to go is out of the question," he murmured.
"No. You know this is important."
"And I'm not?"
"Don't do the emotional blackmail thing. I'm not leaving forever. I trust you'll be fine by yourself for a couple of days, won't you?"
"I'm not a child, Adam."

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